Confucius Institutes and Their Difficulties Come Under Scrutiny in China

Confucius Institutes established globally held a conference in Beijing earlier this week to discuss mounting financial and staffing difficulties.
Confucius Institutes and Their Difficulties Come Under Scrutiny in China
Confucius Institutes have difficulties to grow. (Epoch Times Archive)
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1773277" src="" alt="Statue of Confucius" width="392" height="590"/></a>
Statue of Confucius

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“Each Confucius Institute receives millions of dollars from CCP regime, and it is the CCP’s intention to use them to spread its communist culture around the world. It is just one step in the CCP’s great propaganda plan. The establishment of the Confucius Institutes also creates opportunities for corruption, allowing overseas speculators to profit off the regime’s money, which comes from the Chinese people’s taxes,” Jing said. 

Jing added that poorly maintained school buildings are common in China, and many children still cannot afford to go to school—it angers him that the Party instead spends money on external propaganda, while disregarding the welfare of the Chinese people.

Earlier in May, scholar Cai Shenkun published an article in his blog titled “Who is paying for the Confucius Institutes?” The article said: “Insiders have revealed that all overseas Confucius Institutes are making enormous financial losses. There are many reasons for these losses, with the foremost being lack of transparent operations and financial conditions. Thus, on the one hand, the Confucius Institute project has become a bottomless financial pit. On the other, it has turned into an ATM for officials of the Education Ministry to wantonly withdraw foreign currencies.”

Read the original Chinese article.

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