Conan: ‘Show Zero!’ Premieres Online (Video)

Conan O'Brien is back online again with Show Zero! to build up the hype for his forthcoming TBS show Conan, which premieres Monday, Nov. 8.
Conan: ‘Show Zero!’ Premieres Online (Video)
[youtube]baa-dGj2LhQ[/youtube] Conan’s SHOW ZERO!

Conan O’Brien is back online again with Show Zero! to build up the hype for his forthcoming TBS show Conan, which premieres Monday, Nov. 8.

In the latest Team Coco video in a series of whacky promotions, the presenter finally answers his fans’ most common question: “Conan, what’s your new show going to be like?”

O’Brien says: “Rather than tell you, I thought I’d show you by doing an actual show—right now—on the Internet!”

“Problem is, things on the Internet have to be fast,” he adds.

“So we’re going to do something that’s never been done before—the fastest talk show ever called Show Zero!

The five minute show proceeds at breakneck speed, featuring O’Brien and co-host Andy Richter joking along with a piccolo-playing jingle dude, Jim Parsons from The Big Bang Theory, and the first chord from New Jersey band Steel Train’s new album.

Show Zero! ends with antics from the dancing taco before O'Brien and Richter thank a handful of audience guests, actually employees, for coming along.

“Now stay tuned November 8 for the real show on TBS!” and “Stay extraordinary!” says O'Brien.

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