Community Shows Love for Florida Orphans After Mother and Father Die Within Weeks of Each Other

Community Shows Love for Florida Orphans After Mother and Father Die Within Weeks of Each Other
A newborn baby cries at a maternity ward (ADEK BERRY/AFP/Getty Images)
NTD Television

Donations have poured in for the families of three orphans left behind after the tragic deaths of their parents, just weeks apart.

A young mother of a 21-month-old died after giving birth to two more children, twins she had with a man who died just weeks earlier from gunshots. The 24-year-old Stephanie Caceres died on July 26, not long after giving birth to twins. The twins were born on July 14, but Caceres died afterward from childbirth complications, according to CBS12.

Her boyfriend, Jevaughn Suckoo was shot in his West Palm Beach apartment complex on July 11. He was only 26 years old. The assailants in the death of Suckoo are unknown and still remain at large.

Friends of the couple and the couple’s families set up a crowdfunding page on In just two days over $38,000 was donated online. Donations continue to pour in locally, as well. Caceres’s old workplace is acting as the drop-off point for people in the community to donate.

“It hit hard, it hit home, I feel like I really wanted to do something for this family,” said Princess Mando Mo, talking about what compelled her to donate in an interview with WPTV.

A father of a 6-month-old son donated diapers and other supplies while his 6-month-old son sat in a car and watched. One woman started a campaign to gather donations from people in the surrounding area. Many people in the community came together to help. Some have lost family to gun violence, and some have even lost young children.

The babies are now in the care of their grandparents while numerous donations of clothes, diapers, baby formula, and toys continue to arrive. Some social media users even asked the family if they need breastmilk donations. The family has responded that they are using infant formula instead of breastmilk.
