Communities in China Are Facing Another Lockdown, Given No Explanation As Streets Blocked Again

Olivia Li

This is a collection of videos showing coronavirus prevention and control teams sealing streets and communities across many different locations in China.

Video #1: Man in the background: They are blocking the street again. Today is March 6, the street here is being locked down for a second time.

Video #2: Woman: When we heard another community was locked down yesterday, we felt fortunate for ourselves. But we are experiencing the same situation today! See, the entrance is locked, and I received this pass for local residents to get in and out and it will be effective for half month. So now you know. Everyone, just stay at home with a calm mind.

Video #3: Woman in the background: Why locked down again? What is the situation?

Video #4: Man in the background: Blocked again, blocked again.

Video #6: Caption: We were told the blockage would be removed after March 10. Why are they installing the blockage again?

Video #7: Caption: Donghe Shopping Area is sealed again.

Video #8: (Speaker) Everyone, stay at home obediently. Do not come out. You must pay adequate attention to coronavirus prevention.

Video #9: Caption: A street in Dahan Village community is sealed again.

Video #10: They are sealing the Xishui street again.

Video #11: They started to block the road again.

Video #12: Look, look, why is the road blocked again? Those who are still home, do not come to (work).

Many communities in China are locked down again. However, no explanation was given to the residents.