The 5 Most Common Home Staging Mistakes

The 5 Most Common Home Staging Mistakes
Cathy Hobbs
Staging your home involves creating an environment that potential buyers can envision themselves living in, and can help to facilitate a speedy sale of the home.
Staging your home involves creating an environment that potential buyers can envision themselves living in, and can help to facilitate a speedy sale of the home.

When selling your home, you'll want to ensure that it looks its best.

Homes that are well-presented and attractive can make a great impression on potential buyers. You want the house hunters to feel a connection with your home, and find something that resonates with them and makes them feel like they belong there.

One of the best ways to ensure that your home is looking its absolute best is with home staging. Whether you call in a professional home stager or do it yourself, it’s important to have a plan for getting the most out of your staging efforts.

Read on for some common pitfalls of home staging –and tips to get your home in tip-top shape!

1. Not Having the Home Professionally Cleaned

Don’t underestimate the power of a professional clean! A home that has stains, grime, or unpleasant smells will take longer to sell. A professional cleaner will help to tackle any carpet stains or odors that may be present, and can help to give your home a fresh, new feel –exactly what your buyers will be looking for.

2. Assuming that Staging Will Hide Problems With the Home

It’s no secret that staging can help a home to look its best –but what staging can’t do is cover up serious problems or issues with the house. If there are leaky faucets and broken lights, no amount of will compensate for these issues. Repairs and maintenance issues should be always be addressed before staging begins.

View: <a href="">Provence Market Basket</a>
View: Provence Market Basket

3. Putting Too Much or Too Little in a Room

Overcrowded rooms are a common mistake. Just as bad though, is a room that’s completely devoid of any furnishings. When staging a home, the goal isn’t sparseness –it’s to create a space that potential buyers will be able to envision themselves living in. While bigger rooms call for larger furnishings and more elaborate features, smaller rooms are more suited for smaller, delicate pieces that won’t overwhelm the room.

View: <a href="">Kitchen Organizers</a>
View: Kitchen Organizers

4. Ignoring the Closets

Don’t ignore the closets and cupboards. Just because they’re behind closed doors doesn’t mean that potential buyers aren’t going to look there. Adding in some nice storage containers can help to lend a clean and well-organized feel to the space –exactly what new homebuyers are looking for.

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View: Cyan Design Twix Square Transitional Wall Decor

5. Getting Too Personal

Family photos on the walls bring you happiness, but for potential buyers, seeing someone else’s photos, items, and décor style doesn’t leave room for their own personal preferences and style. Replace personal items with art and décor that accentuates the style of the home.

The goal of home staging is to create an environment that potential buyers can feel at home in. The best way to do that is by keeping things clean and organized, and the décor style neutral enough to appeal to a wide range of tastes.

Remember to LIKE Cathy Hobbs, Interior Designer on FACEBOOK, and Follow Design Recipes on TWITTER for more design tips and inspiration.

Top Image: Ballard Designs

Original Post: Cathy Hobbs Design Recipes 

5-time Emmy award winning television personality Cathy Hobbs (ASID) is the founder and creator of Cathy Hobbs Design Recipes™. Cathy currently hosts her own self-branded design television series, Design Recipes, airing on the top rated “PIX Morning News” on WPIX-TV in New York City. Cathy was a finalist on Season 6 of HGTV's Hit Reality Series "DESIGN STAR and most recently served for a year as the green expert for “The Life Improvement Squad” a national campaign with IKEA and O Magazine.
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