Comedian Pranks LA Zoo With Bogus Animal Facts Signs


A comedian in California left several false animal signs on June 30 all around the Los Angeles Zoo.

Jeff Wysaski, who goes by the name Obvious Plant, uploaded photos to his Facebook page showing various signs with false and comical “animal facts.”

“The L.A. Zoo is now a little more interesting...” Wysaski wrote.

Wysaski made the signs look as realistic as possible: a large picture of the animal and the zoo’s logo at the bottom. He left his trademark—an Obvious Plant logo—at the bottom as well. 

One poster shows an image of a duckling that reads: “ANIMAL FACT: If you give a tiny trombone to 76 ducklings, they will lead the most adorable parade you’ve ever seen.”

“ANIMAL FACT: Meerkats can control electronics with their minds. If your cell phone rings DO NOT ANSWER IT. It is one of our meerkats asking for you to help it escape and they are VERY PERSUASIVE,” reads another.

Facebook users had a lot to say about Wysaski’s light-hearted prank. 

“Now I want to go to the LA Zoo. You should do this at the Natural History Museum,” wrote a Facebook user.

“These are great! You are quite talented. Keep it up...please!!!” wrote another.

Others gave the comedian suggestions:

“He could have made the fake facts funnier and less kiddish he should have made them more realistic funny,” wrote a Facebook user.

And some did not find the pictures entertaining in the least.

“I do not find this funny at all - its trespassing and defacing of zoo property and he should be charged as such,” wrote a Facebook user.

“I assumed these would be misleading. But they’re just bad jokes,” wrote another.

Regardless of the tone of the feedback Wysaki received from Facebook users, the post itself as of July 5, was liked more than 6,000 times and had up to 6,000 shares.