NEW YORK—A proposal that would extend a bike lane on Columbus Avenue both north and south was passed by Community Board 7’s transportation committee on Jan. 8, according to StreetsBlog.
The vote was previously put off because of a scheduling conflict, according to the board’s chair.
The city’s Department of Transportation doesn’t have to get community board approval before putting in bicycle lanes, but usually works with the boards so new lanes have community support.
Under the proposal, the current protected lane between 77th and 96th streets on the Upper West Side would be extended north to 110th Street and south to 59th Street.
The proposal will be voted on by the full board early next month.
Columbus Avenue Bike Lane Approved by Community Board Committee
A proposal that would extend a bike lane on Columbus Avenue both north and south was passed by Community Board 7’s transportation committee on Jan. 8.

The proposed bike lane extensions on Manhattan's Upper West Side. Courtesy of DOT
