From the archives: This story was last updated in May 2019.
The actor who downed the red pill in “The Matrix” and once played the role of the Buddha himself betrayed his insightful mind on late-night television.Keanu Reeves left talk show host Stephen Colbert without words on Friday when he was posed a question about our own human mortality. The philosophical topic stemmed from a discussion about two of the 54-year-old actor’s upcoming projects.

Reeves revealed that the third installment of “John Wick,” coming out this week, features ninjas on motorcycles and “immersive” action scenes performed by the actor himself. It took months of preparation and martial arts training to pull off the highly choreographed fight sequences.
“So, what’s it like to fight on a horse,” asked Colbert after getting into some nitty-gritty of shooting the assassin flick.
To which Keanu replied, “It’s fun.”
“Does that not make you nervous at all? […] you could get thrown and trampled,” Colbert asked.
“Yeah, you could die!” answered Keanu, to the audience’s amusement.
Talk then turned to the comeback of a classic—Bill and Ted after their “Excellent Adventure” and “Bogus Journey” for a third sequel. The upcoming title “Bill and Ted Face the Music” will see the return of co-star Alex Winter and will feature the friends over 25 years later with a new mission.
“They were supposed to write the song that was supposed to unite the world, and bring peace and everything, but they haven’t,” Reeves explains.
“A lot of pressure,” says Colbert. And, we learn that they have to save the universe, and they have only 80 minutes. “Wow! What happens if you don’t do this?”
“It’s the end of the universe,” Reeves replies. “It’s the end of time and space continuum, it’s all over.”
And, that’s when Colbert delves a little deeper. “So, you’re facing your own mortality and the mortality of all existence. Wow!”
Yeah,” Keanu says, nodding his head.
Then Colbert lays it down: “What do you think happens when we die, Keanu Reeves?”
To which Keanu exhales deeply and answers, “I know that the ones who love us will miss us.” Which leaves Colbert speechless and appears to give him immense satisfaction. He simply smiles from deep down and reaches out to shake Keanu’s hand.
As the audience applauds, it’s the perfect place to end the clip on a profound note, while giving the host and the whole world something to ponder on.