Cloud Computing: Making that Lining Silver

Although cloud computing was once touted as the solution to business IT issues everywhere, the pace of adoption of on-demand services has been lukewarm at best.
Cloud Computing: Making that Lining Silver

Although cloud computing was once touted as the solution to business IT issues everywhere, the pace of adoption of on-demand services has been lukewarm at best.

Cloud computing may be understood as the use of a network of remote servers linked via the internet to store, manage and process data. For a business, for example, cloud technology can mean not having to buy servers and expensive software for their offices, let alone software for each employee. The servers and software you require are maintained by a service provider for a fee. It is similar to using a standard e-mail account—you don’t need to download any software, as the e-mail service provider offers you this service from their servers. You just use the internet to connect with them.

Cloud had been hailed as the third great revolution in computing, after IBM’s development of huge and centralised mainframes, and the later move to PC-based client-server networks. Now, security concerns and changeover costs seem to have dampened enthusiasm for cloud, especially on the back of a global recession. 

However, cloud remains virtually untapped as a source of online growth, despite its potential to offer competitive advantages in the areas of flexibility, cost, and economies of scale.

Many businesses that have tried to change to cloud computing have experienced something of a rude awakening, however. Not every company is aware of the true costs of changing over, and cost overruns on cloud projects are common. Most businesses find it necessary to rebuild at least some of their IT ‘architecture’ and redesign some of their business processes to ensure they do it right. Many enterprises are, in terms of their security, data management, and aging infrastructure, simply not ready to make the jump to cloud. Even bandwidth can prove a limiting factor.

So before you make the move to Cloud Nine, make sure you know what you’re facing into. Cloud is happening right now. Just make sure your business is ready for it, and that cloud infrastructure and security is sufficiently mature to be reliable.

Green Cloud Computers is a team of technology experts based in Ireland. Read more at:

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