CINCINNATI—“Shen Yun was great and I had a great time,” said Dr. Arvind Modawal, M.D. “It was very nice to be here and a part of Shen Yun.”
Dr. Modawal was accompanied by his daughter, Amika Modawal, an international sales and marketing manager, to the Shen Yun Performing Arts evening performance at the Aronoff Center for the Arts, on Jan. 8.
Father and daughter enjoyed Shen Yun depiction of 5,000 years of divinely-inspired traditional Chinese culture through classical Chinese dance, orchestral music, and vocal soloist.
“I thought it was a good overview of both Chinese culture and of religion and art,” said Ms. Modawal. She particular enjoyed “the colors of all the beautiful uniforms and wardrobe.”
“I loved the music, all the different effects, all the different costumes, and the energy was just fantastic,” Dr. Modawal said.
He was impressed with the variety Shen Yun presented: “The artist were very well trained, they brought a lot of interesting dances and interesting features of Chinese history, culture and religion.
“Classical Chinese dance has a long history of thousands of years, passed down continuously within the imperial palace and ancient Chinese theater and opera,” states the Shen Yun website. With each era and dynasty along with its traditional aesthetic principles come alive with Shen Yun.
Ms. Modawal enjoyed the collection of story-based classical Chinese and ethnic or folk dance that capture the essence of traditional Chinese culture, saying: “I did [learn] in terms of the diversity in the different groups of people, but also the timeline as well, the long rich culture.”
Along with being the premier classical Chinese dance company, Shen Yun is known for its innovative digital stage backdrops that interact with the dancers. “I thought it was interesting. I never seen that before,” she said about the digital projections.
Dr. Modawal concluded with: “It was just brilliant—thank you! [to the Shen Yun performers]
Reporting by NTD Television and Cat Rooney.
New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit
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