Choosing Electors Could Overturn Results in Georgia


Georgia Governor Brian Kemp reiterated his point that he is in no position under the law to call a special session to overturn the state’s election results. But he did say he trusts the legislators will exercise their rights under the constitution as it relates to this election.

“For us to call a special session because of evidence that was presented in a Senate hearing does not address the way how that evidence should be used to alter an election in Georgia, that process by law is set up to go to the courts,” said Kemp.

​​​​​​​But even without Kemp calling a special session, the state legislators can act under federal law and appoint their own electors.

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“According to the constitutional attorney that was here, or he wasn’t here, but he testified with Giuliani. It doesn’t require any process that was put in place by the state of Georgia. That they can do that on their own,” said Erik Christensen, a business owner in Georgia.

At least 4 senators have signed a petition to have a special session to elect their own slate of electors. If that happens, it could lead to a situation where neither Biden nor Trump will have the 270 votes that they need, then Congress would get involved and possibly overturn the results.

According to “amendment 12 in the U.S. constitution, they would vote on it, each state has one vote,” said Francis DeWolf, a business owner in Washington, D.C.

​​​​​​​Since Georgia has a Republican majority House right now, that means if Congress votes, most of Georgia’s representatives would likely vote for Trump—thus overturning the secretary of state’s certified results.

A group of concerned citizens from the Had Enough Coalition also started a petition to urge Governor Kemp and Secretary of state Brad Raffesnperger to make changes to ensure the integrity of the Senate runoffs.

“We as Georgia residents are carrying the weight of this entire nation for this election. And right now, our voices are not being heard when it comes to some constraints that can be had for January 5 that were not there for the November 3 election,” said Maureen Giannona, assistant poll manager in Fulton County, Georgia.

They collected 2,000 signatures in 24 hours, and came to the capitol to give them to Kemp. They threw them under the tree to symbolize that all they want for Christmas is a fair election.