Chinese Woman in BMW Runs Over Child, Threatens Onlookers

A child in Guangdong Province, was hit and killed by a BMW. The driver threatened people who stopped her, saying she was the wife of a high-level official, and they would all die.
Chinese Woman in BMW Runs Over Child, Threatens Onlookers
Five-year old Qin Ziqian of Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, was hit and killed on June 23 by a BMW. The driver claimed to be a high official’s wife. (Sina Weibo)

After running down and killing a kindergartener, the woman driver in China’s Guangdong Province threatened bystanders who stopped her, saying her husband was a government official. Briefly detained, the woman was released on bail, and days later she allegedly hit another child.

Five-year-old Qin Ziqian who lived in Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, was playing outside with her grandmother on June 23 when a BMW rushed past, knocking her down and killing her. The child was dragged 3 meters by the front wheel of the car, according to a report by Hong Kong’s Apple Daily.

Bystanders blocked the car and forced it to stop. The driver, 35-year-old Wang Jing, became angry and hysterical, shouting that her husband was a government or Party official.

“Those of you who dare to fight against the government, join in; you will all die,” Wang reportedly said.

It is unclear whether Wang really is the wife of a director-level official. Internet rumors suggest that she is a high-level official’s mistress and the mother of two.

The next day, the victim’s father contacted the traffic police and asked to see the traffic cam video recording of the accident. He was told the video had been erased.

Wang was reportedly detained on the day of the accident and then bailed out.

On June 29, the Shanwei City public security office said on their website that Wang also hit a four-year-old boy and was detained by the criminal division.