Multiple Chinese Virus Experts Die

Multiple Chinese Virus Experts Die
An engineer looks at monkey kidney cells as he make a test on an experimental vaccine for the COVID-19 virus inside the Cells Culture Room laboratory at the Sinovac Biotech facilities in Beijing, China, on April 29, 2020. (Nicolas Asfouri/AFP via Getty Images)
Pinnacle View Team

Reports of sudden deaths after receiving Chinese vaccines abound.

Li Jun, an independent TV producer, said in The Epoch Times’ Pinnacle View program that the Sinovac vaccine was questioned when it was first launched, and cases of related sudden deaths abound.

Mr. Li mentioned a large number of Chinese vaccine experts have passed away one after another at a comparatively young age.

On Oct. 1, 2023, Cao Xiaobin, a senior manager at the Sinovac Biotech Co., Ltd., died at the age of 45 years old. On Oct. 27, 2023, Wu Zunyou, the chief scientist of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, died at the age of 60. In October 2022, Wu Jianguo, a virologist at Wuhan University, died at the age of 66. Other deceased scientists include COVID vaccine researchers Zhao Zhendong (53 years old), Zeng Bing (52 years old), Liu Bin (37 years old), and nucleic acid testing researcher Bai Xiaohui (42 years old).

Among the experts include Zhou Yusen, a vaccine expert at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, who was among the first to apply for a vaccine patent after the COVID-19 outbreak but died suddenly a few months later.

Chinese vaccine manufacturer Sinovac announced in January it has stopped producing vaccines.

In 2022, a Hong Kong survey found that of the 1,300 deceased who were vaccinated, 87 percent had taken Sinovac vaccines.

In August 2021, Li Boyi, a 12-year-old girl from Henan Province, developed a high fever two days after receiving the Sinovac vaccine and died soon after. Her mother, seeking justice for the girl’s death, was arrested and beaten by public security authorities.

On Jan. 11, Jiang Yong (pseudonym), a resident in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, told the Chinese edition of The Epoch Times that in the past two years, more than a dozen of his relatives and friends had died suddenly after taking vaccines.

While some Chinese experts argue that the Sinovac vaccine was originally developed for the original viruses and is no longer useful after the viruses underwent mutations, Heng He, a China analyst and biotechnology expert, holds a different opinion.

If the Sinovac vaccine had been effective, based on their initial development speed, they could have continued to develop vaccines against mutated viruses, and it would not be so bad as to stop production, he told Pinnacle View.

“As a vaccine with such a mature experience and a large market, it is difficult to attribute the sudden stoppage to mutation,” he said, adding that the biggest reason may be the vaccine’s quality.

The China expert explained that when the Sinovac vaccine first came out, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) actually used it as a means of diplomacy to “make friends.”

“Now the authorities are strongly recommending how good other types of vaccines are,” he said. “Then the quality of the inactivated vaccine, which the government had been bragging about for so long, is bogus. Unless he admits that the quality of this type of vaccine is inherently poor, or that something went wrong in the production process, it is very difficult to explain.”

Real Vaccines More Dangerous Than Fake Ones

Guo Jun, the head of The Epoch Times’ Hong Kong branch, verified the poor quality of China-made vaccines by telling the experience of a friend of hers in Hong Kong who was vaccinated at noon and died in the afternoon.

“The details of these cases are available in Hong Kong because the Hong Kong authorities have always made it a rule to disclose such information, unlike the CCP which hardly discloses any information about the side effects of the two vaccines, Sinovac and Sinopharm,” she said.

Ms. Guo also referred to her friends in China who developed tuberculosis after receiving the vaccine.

“A friend [of mine] in China said he would rather have a fake vaccine, which may be distilled water, than the so-called real vaccine in China, which has toxic and even fatal side effects.”

Children rest at a community vaccination centre after receiving a dose of Sinovac Biotech's CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine, following the COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong on Feb. 25, 2022. (Tyrone Siu/Reuters)
Children rest at a community vaccination centre after receiving a dose of Sinovac Biotech's CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine, following the COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong on Feb. 25, 2022. (Tyrone Siu/Reuters)

Ms. Guo went on to talk about how many medical personnel in China are not vaccinated.

“A lot of my friends in the medical profession are absolutely unwilling to take vaccination themselves,” she said. “This is especially true for professionals who have done research on vaccines.

“Based on what we have learned, senior officials of the CCP, especially those above the sub-national level, do not take either domestic or foreign vaccines.

“Some medical experts analyzed that the reason top CCP echelons implemented the strict zero-COVID policy is that they have not been vaccinated themselves and cannot come into contact with the environment where the virus exists.”

At a recent meeting of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, CCP leader Xi Jinping proposed that pharmaceuticals be among the five key areas of anti-corruption in 2024.

“During the last four years of COVID-19 pandemic, all industries in China were in the doldrums. The pharmaceutical industry was the only one that made a fortune, including vaccines, nucleic acid tests, disinfectant products, and medical devices such as respirators and masks,” Ms. Guo explained.

“Some people recommend them as experts, but actually they are promoting the drugs in which their own families have a stake. All these things are fermenting inside the CCP and the reaction is very strong, so something big may happen to the pharmaceutical industry this year.”

Pandemic Signals Regime Change

From late 2023, a new pandemic began in China which has since spread from children to young and middle-aged people. Sudden deaths have been occurring more frequently in various parts of China. In some major cities, including Beijing, crematoriums were operating at high capacity per day, just as during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Heng He commented that China’s problem lies in that the regime is not transparent, so people don’t get accurate information and don’t know what is really going on.

Spanish Flu 1918: Nurses care for victims of a Spanish influenza epidemic outdoors amidst canvas tents during an outdoor fresh air cure, Lawrence, Massachusetts. (Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Spanish Flu 1918: Nurses care for victims of a Spanish influenza epidemic outdoors amidst canvas tents during an outdoor fresh air cure, Lawrence, Massachusetts. (Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

“In the case of a pandemic, there must be a certain type of virus that dominates the pandemic, but other viruses are also present ... What percentage is it [the main virus]? Is it at the level of an epidemic? Are several viruses circulating at the same time? We know nothing,” he said.

“The regime’s non-transparency and irresponsibility have made the whole thing very confusing.”

He then raised a question about the “social origin” of persisting pandemics and referred to the pandemic of 1918.

“In the pandemic of 1918, there were three waves of very high death rates, but after [those] three waves, the pandemic suddenly disappeared without a trace,” he said. “Unlike the current pandemic, which did not start with such a high mortality rate, but lasted for a long time and seems unlikely to disappear.”

“In the history of mankind, such pandemic often ends after a change of dynasty. The Spanish Flu came to an end with the First World War. When the war ended, the disease disappeared.”

The argument echoes an Epoch Times editorial in January 2023 titled “The Reality of China’s Pandemic and the CCP’s Demise” which compared the communist regime’s current persecution of faith groups to past historical events.

“History has shown us previous examples of this. In ancient Rome, the persecution of Christians resulted in four plagues, and the powerful Roman Empire declined and eventually perished. In China’s history, a change of dynasty often occurred when the court became corrupt and social morality had degraded; plagues frequently resulted,” reads the editorial.

“Ultimately, the best cure for this plague is to reject the CCP.

“We hope every person can survive this disaster safely and help to usher in a brighter tomorrow.”

“Pinnacle View,” a joint venture by NTD and The Epoch Times, is a high-end TV forum centered around China. The program gathers experts from around the globe to dissect pressing issues, analyze trends, and offer profound insights into societal affairs and historical truths.
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