How Chinese People View the U.S. Election Result

Not just in the United States, but even in mainland China, it has become a hot topic: Barack Obama, an Africa American, elected as the U.S. president.
How Chinese People View the U.S. Election Result
Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images
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 (Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images)

Not just in the United States, but even in mainland China, it has become a hot topic: Barack Obama, an Africa-American, elected as the U.S. president.

Embodiment of American Democracy

Wu Yeqi, vice president of the sales department of the First Asian-American Healthcare in New York, voted for Obama.

“We are new immigrants,” she said. “When Obama is elected as a president, we see a ray of hope. It’s not a hope to be a president, but a hope to immigrate to this country. People complain that there’s no equality and no democracy here, and the politics is dark. However, Obama being elected shows the democracy in the U.S.”

A Chinese Internet surfer wrote sadly in a forum, “The U.S. presidential election made me cry, because it has nothing to do with us, but the American people’s revelry. It’s like that, everyday, a bachelor in one village sees men in other villages get married. The loneliness cannot be expressed with words.”

The Dream of the Black and the Pride of the White

Another Chinese Internet surfer commented: Although a black man becomes the U.S. president, today, the ones who should be more proud are the white people in the U.S. America has been a country dominated by the white people for a long time. However, now the white people dare to give their hope to a person with different color. How self-confident and proud they are! All these are originated from the sacred and solemn Declaration hundreds of years ago. The content of the Declaration has been persisted, recognized, fulfilled, and deepened in the hearts of every generation of the U.S. people in the past hundreds of years. “This is the historical reason why a black man can be elected as the president of the U.S. The outcome of the election becomes a testimony of the Declaration. It embodies the democratic meaning of their ancestors’ declaration.”

‘Victory of Democracy, Victory of Populism’

Still another Chinese Internet surfer wrote, it is the victory of democracy, but it is also the victory of populism. “It is only a clan commune-styled victory. It is on a wrong road.” He continued, “I still insist on opposing Obama’s political ideas, like ‘increasing tax to average rich and poor,’ ‘the radical values,’ and ‘isolation with appeasement policy.’ I hope the great U.S. can correct the mistakes in time and Obama will not go to the wrong extreme under the populism.”

Original article in Chinese.