Chinese Vietnam War Veterans Clash With Police

Several Chinese Vietnam War veterans clashed with station agents in southern China, leading the regime to dispatch dozens of officers.
Chinese Vietnam War Veterans Clash With Police

Several Chinese Vietnam War veterans and station agents at the Chengxi Bus Terminal in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, got into an altercation over ticket discounts on Monday morning. 

The war veterans recruited over a hundred other former soldiers in the area to support them, which prompted local police to dispatch over 10 police cars in an attempt to disperse the crowd. Although the conflict subsided at around noontime, witnesses told The Epoch Times that police forces were still monitoring the premises on the following day.

A staff worker at the Kailida Hotel located near the bus terminal told The Epoch Times: “I saw a lot of police cars arrive and the bus terminal was filled with people, probably over a hundred. I couldn’t tell whether they were war veterans or common folk. The local police brought in several cars full of policemen; probably around 60 policemen arrived.”

When The Epoch Times spoke with the manager at the bus terminal, Ms. Liao, she had a different impression: “There was no disturbance. Something just happened because a customer was mistreated; it’s already been resolved. We didn’t find out how many veterans arrived. There were probably less than a hundred police officers. The police and the veterans did not get into a conflict,” she said

On Sina Weibo, China’s microblogging service, user “Xiangwei May” from Zhaoqing City posted a message live from the scene: “Something big happened today at the Zhaoqing City, Chengxi Bus Terminal. I don’t know what happened, but there are a lot of traffic officers, more than 10 police cars. A lot of people are crowding around too.”

When The Epoch Times contacted the Zhaoqing City, Mu Gang Township Police Station, a police officer, surnamed Liang, said he did not come to work on June 18. He said: “We are in the middle of investigating the incident at the bus terminal. I was not working on the 18th, so I am not sure. As far as I know, the two parties did not clash.”

Read the original Chinese article.

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