Chinese Student Feels Proud and Elated after Seeing Shen Yun: ‘I have found my own roots’

After seeing Shen Yun, Mr. Zhao said, “Today, as a Chinese, I particularly feel proud and elated. I’m so proud. It’s really a worthwhile trip. I have found my own roots.”
Chinese Student Feels Proud and Elated after Seeing Shen Yun: ‘I have found my own roots’

NISHINOMIYA, Japan—Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company performed in Kansai, Japan, at the Hyogo Performing Art Center on April 24. The performance attracted many Chinese people. Among them was Mr. Zhao, an overseas Chinese student, who has been studying in Japan for a year.

After seeing Shen Yun, Mr. Zhao said, “Today, as a Chinese, I particularly feel proud and elated. I’m so proud. It’s really a worthwhile trip. I have found my own roots.”

Mr. Zhao had nothing but praise for Shen Yun. He said that it was difficult to put into words how he felt. “The beauty represented in Shen Yun is pure. Nothing can be compared with it. When watching the dance, Han Imperial Air, I had tears in my eyes. My thoughts were complex. I appreciate that Shen Yun provides me such a wonderful program and performance. The stunning effect of the stage was self-evident.”

Through the explanation of the hosts of the show, Mr. Zhao learned that such a unique performance can only be performed outside of China because communist ideology conflicts with traditional values. He lamented, “When I heard that, I was really sad. It’s such a pity. Good things that belong to our own [country] are excluded? I felt my heart twitch. Tears welled in my eyes.”

Mr. Zhao’s friend had recommended him to see Shen Yun. At first, his expectation towards the show was not too high, but after seeing it, he felt himself as a new person, saying that his feelings could not be expressed by words.

He emphasized that he will definitely bring friends to see Shen Yun next year. “This is what really belongs to China. You’re a real Chinese person [after seeing Shen Yun]. After seeing it, I feel especially proud.” He definitely thought it was a worthwhile trip.

Coming back to reality from the sublime world of Shen Yun, he sighed that the Chinese people, including himself, nowadays know little of the 5,000 years of the Chinese culture. He said the Chinese people today have forgotten their traditional culture but are just desperate for money. “Why do we, the Chinese people, forget our grand culture of 5,000 years? I didn’t understand it. Now, after seeing Shen Yun, I finally understand it.”

“I realize more and more that the history I learned is incomplete. What we learned was only negative things. Nothing good was instilled into our minds. Now I understand it. As Chinese people, we should all know our glorious and splendid culture. We should all know our roots,” he said.

“Through Shen Yun, I felt that I have found my roots. I realize what China really is through Shen Yun’s authentic representation of China. China indeed should be so.

“Shen Yun portrayed the purest beauty and the 5,000 years of the Chinese culture. As a Chinese, I finally realized that it is what China should have been. Human beings should respect and believe in gods, and not do bad things.” Mr. Zhao said.

He mentioned that he was touched by all the programs, but was most impressed by the last one. “In [Divine Mercy] Beijing fell apart, and a god recovered it through Dafa. I believe it. If the Chinese Communist Party keeps doing so [persecuting Falun Gong practitioners], even gods cannot save it. Good will certainly be rewarded, and evil will surely be recompensed with retribution.”

Read the original Chinese article.

Reporting by Lu Yong and Lisa Huang

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.