Chinese Petitioner Found Dead After Held in Police Custody

Yu Haobo, a 76-year-old petitioner from Hebei Province, was found dead after being arrested by police.
Chinese Petitioner Found Dead After Held in Police Custody
A screenshot of a video apparently showing 76-year-old Chinese petitioner Yu Haobo being taken away by police in Hebei Province after attempting to seek help from the U.S. Embassy. (
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1786012" title="hebei1" src="" alt="A screenshot of a video apparently showing 76-year-old Chinese petitioner Yu Haobo being taken away by police in Hebei Province after attempting to seek help from the U.S. Embassy. (" width="350" height="218"/></a>
A screenshot of a video apparently showing 76-year-old Chinese petitioner Yu Haobo being taken away by police in Hebei Province after attempting to seek help from the U.S. Embassy. (

Yu Rufa, a 76-year-old petitioner from Hebei Province, made his way through barricades to seek help from the U.S. Embassy on June 14. Other petitioners at the scene said that when Yu came within two meters of the embassy, armed police grabbed him and took him away.

In 1998, Yu Rufa’s wife had a dispute with villager Han Xingrong over repayment of money. Han’s seven armed children broke into Yu Rufa’s house and severely wounded Yu Rufa, his wife, and son. In the past 12 years, 14 different verdicts for redress have been made during 15 trials, but Yu Rufa had not received any word from the government.

On the evening of June 16, the police sent Yu Rufa back home. Around 1a.m., Yu’s grandson found Yu lying dead by his front door, according to a June 17 report by Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch. There was a long wound on his head, which appeared to have been made by a knife. Yu’s family believes he was killed. They are keeping his body at his home. During the interview with Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch, the family was reluctant to talk.

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