Chinese Martial Arts Masters Beat Up Demolition Gangs

A father and son martial arts duo from Henan Province in China beat up thugs who broke into their house and attacked their family in an attempt to force them out of their property and demolish their home.
Chinese Martial Arts Masters Beat Up Demolition Gangs
In Henan Province, a father and a son who have been practicing martial arts since childhood, worked together to fend off over 30 thugs who went to their house to beat up their family, attempting to drive them out and start an illegal demolition. (Screenshot of a Youmaker video)
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1774633" src="" alt=" a father and a son who have been practicing martial arts since childhood, worked together to fend off over 30 thugs" width="350" height="262"/></a>
 a father and a son who have been practicing martial arts since childhood, worked together to fend off over 30 thugs

It sounds like a Kung Fu movie, but a father and son martial arts duo from Henan Province in China beat up nearly three dozen thugs who broke into their house and attacked their family in an attempt to force them out of their property and demolish their home.

Apparently, the two had been training in martial arts since they were both children, meaning the thugs–who were ordered by local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary Xu Shaoying to force the family out of the home–were in for a surprise.

Purported video footage of the beat-down in Chengliu Village in Henan’s Bazhou City was uploaded to Chinese site, showing the aftermath of the father’s and son’s handiwork.

The video did not show the two fighting, only the thugs lying on the floor near the entrance. Some were holding their heads as if suffering from a severe injury, while several stood outside and were swearing at the family.

Shen Yanming, the father, told The Epoch Times: “The local CCP officials sold all the available land in the village and now they have their eyes set on the home sites of more than 30 households including my family’s.”

The officials tried to force them to sign documents handing over ownership of the property to the local CCP office, but they refused, Shen said.

“They then ordered dozens of people to try and break into to my son’s house every day. These people blocked the entrance and threatened us with abusive language,” Shen continued.

Son Shen Jianzhong’s wife Zhang told The Epoch Times on Thursday that the local village’s Communist Party head, Xu Shaoqing, told dozens of families in late October that their homes would be demolished, saying that they needed to be cleared for land development. Xu, however, did not offer the families any legal documents to sign.

After the families refused, Xu ordered some local men to throw firecrackers and bricks at villagers’ homes, smashing their windows and doors, and also hurled insults at them, Zhang said.

On Oct. 29, some 30 unidentified men attempted to breach the Shen home and one of them told the wife: “Do you agree to have your house demolished or not?” but she refused. The man then responded angrily: “You will agree when I tell you to! Stop giving me this nonsense!”

Zhang was then grabbed by some of the men and was punched and kicked, and when they attacked the father and son, they took out seven of them, Shen Yanming said. He said that when the men ran outside, they did not pursue them.

But the next day, more people gathered in front of their house and cursed at them and would not let them leave. A day later, more than 50 people and several cars besieged the home. “I called the police and they told me that it was their right to do whatever they want. No one cared about us,” Zhang told The Epoch Times.

Ultimately, the Shen family was forced to abandon their house after several days.

“No one in the family dared to step outside for two days. These thugs have messed up our lives. I beg all just people in society to help us. Please help us,” Shen Yanming said.

Other families in China haven’t been as lucky as the Shens, because local authorities across the country have forced numerous families out of their homes and confiscated their land in order to construct new buildings. Often times, these families are left with little in terms of government compensation, and the practice has been decried by international rights groups, including Amnesty International.

“The way these officials bully civilians is worse than Japanese soldiers during [World War II],” Zhang said.

Amnesty said in October that violent, forced evictions in China have been increasing in the past two years, adding that these land confiscations are done to make up for local budget shortfalls.

Read the original Chinese article.

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