Chinese Doctor Admits to Falun Gong Organ Harvest

After surrendering to central Party authorities, Wang has been under investigation, was purged from the Party, and is due to be tried for treason.
Chinese Doctor Admits to Falun Gong Organ Harvest
Wang Lijun is pictured showing military officials through his laboratory in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, which he ran out of the Public Security Bureau when he was PSB chief there. According to a 2006 admission, he conducted "thousands" of executions and organ transplantations. Courtesy of WOIPFG
Matthew Robertson

A high-ranking retired Chinese military doctor has been caught in a phone call placed by a human rights group admitting that he used the organs of political prisoners in a joint research project with Wang Lijun, the former right-hand man to disgraced Party official Bo Xilai.

<a href=""><img class="wp-image-279127" title="WangLijun-1" src="" alt="Wang Lijun is pictured showing military officials through his laboratory" width="354" height="265"/></a>
Wang Lijun is pictured showing military officials through his laboratory

<a href=""><img class="wp-image-279128" title="WangLiJun-2" src="" alt="Wang Lijun is pictured showing military officials through his laboratory" width="354" height="265"/></a>
Wang Lijun is pictured showing military officials through his laboratory

In the phone call Chen was asked to confirm that collaboration, and he did, before being asked to admit to using Falun Gong organs.

Dr. Torsten Trey, the co-editor of a recently published book on the abuse of organ transplantation in China, State Organs, said that he thought the telephone call and admission were credible, and fit into a broader pattern.

“When Dr. Chen refers to the court that has approved the cases of Falun Gong practitioners as organ source, he actually indicates that the organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners is state sanctioned, as state institutions and courts, are involved in the approval process,” Dr. Trey said in a written response, after being shown a transcript of the telephone call.

“People under the communist rule are usually very afraid of making a mistake, because it could lead to fatal consequences,” Trey said. So by directly referring to the court’s approval of the organ sourcing, “he actually strongly confirms the statement,” Dr. Trey said. “It’s a double-yes.”

The fact of state involvement further indicates, Dr. Trey said, that the harvesting of Falun Gong has not been done by underground syndicates or a few doctors, “but with the full knowledge and approval of the state.”

He says that global health bodies like the World Health Organization and World Medical Association should be inquiring into court records that would have been produced in the course of providing living Falun Gong adherents for people like Wang Lijun and Chen Rongshan.

Matthew Robertson
Matthew Robertson
Matthew Robertson is the former China news editor for The Epoch Times. He was previously a reporter for the newspaper in Washington, D.C. In 2013 he was awarded the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sigma Delta Chi award for coverage of the Chinese regime's forced organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience.
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