Chinese Company to Fire Employees for Divorce and Affairs

The company head told the newspaper that this new regulation aims to promote a corporate culture of “faithful love and family harmony.”
Chinese Company to Fire Employees for Divorce and Affairs

China’s divorce rate has been growing in recent years, with a trend in extramarital affairs and mistresses or Xian San, literally meaning “little third.”

Recently, a jewelry company in Shenzhen–one of the world’s largest manufacturing hubs, adjacent to Hong Kong–decided to fire employees for infidelity and marriage breakups, sparking plenty of online discussion.

The company issued a policy that whoever gets divorced, has extramarital affairs, provides for mistresses or acts indecently will lose their job, Guangzhou Daily reported on Dec. 19.

The company head told the newspaper that this new regulation aims to promote a corporate culture of “faithful love and family harmony.” He said it is completely serious, so whoever violates the policy, whether a high-ranking executive or ordinary employee, will be sacked strictly in accordance.

Other representatives from the company explained the rule was not intended to be publicized.

However, many Chinese people posted their opinions on, China’s largest microblog.

“Family stability is the keystone of a harmonious society,” commented a netizen named Mahon. “I support this good rule. Employees with morals are trustworthy. We should encourage the promotion of this rule in our society.”

Netizen “Greatest Merit 1982” wrote: “It is sad that morality is practiced through rule and regulation.”

Another Internet user, “Daisy Education Aid_Roshi,” said, “I support this in full. Some controls are now in place in our society as incest is common and many families are destroyed.”

Netizen “Giaofu” said, “I recommend this rule to governments at all levels! Government officials should be even more expected to comply with this rule.”

Kai-Fu Lee, Chairman and CEO of Innovation Works, said, “It is ridiculous to try and keep an eye on divorce.”

Shanghai divorce lawyers said the divorce rate in Beijing and Shanghai in 2010 was as high as 39 and 38 percent respectively, while the rates in six other cities including Shenzhen and Guangzhou were also over 30 percent, according to marriage website

Read the original Chinese article.

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