“Relevant COVID information will be published by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention for reference and research,” the NHC added, without giving any reasons why it will no longer provide the information.
The NHC also gave no details on how the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention would report on COVID-19 cases.
Leaked Minutes
The abrupt exit from years of relentless lockdowns has resulted in a dramatic surge of cases in China, with nearly 37 million people estimated to have contracted COVID-19 in a single day, according to leaked minutes from an NHC meeting held on Dec. 21, first reported by Bloomberg.The same meeting notes said that as many as 248 million people had probably contracted the virus in the first 20 days of December, the report said.

National data has become ambiguous since the policy shift.
The World Health Organization has received no data from China on new COVID-related hospitalizations since Beijing eased its restrictions. WHO said the data gap might be due to the authorities struggling to tally cases in the world’s most populous country.
On its last day of giving figures, there were some stark contrasts between NHC figures and those from more local sources.
Without reporting asymptomatic infections, the NHC figures announced only 30 new confirmed cases for Zhejiang per day, it said on Sunday.
Qingdao, a city of 9 million people in the eastern Shandong Province, is experiencing 490,000 to 530,000 infections per day based on data projections, Chinese media reported on Saturday, citing a local government health official. The NHC tally released on Sunday was less than 40 new cases per day across the whole province, with the exception of asymptomatic cases.
China has also narrowed its definition for reporting COVID-19 deaths, counting only those who had COVID-caused pneumonia or respiratory failure.