Chili Made With Late Harvest Tomatoes

Chili Made With Late Harvest Tomatoes
We had friends over and I made a Late Harvest Tomato Chili with the romas I picked. The chili was a big hit so I thought I would share my recipe with you (photo by LivligaHome).
Sheila Kemper Dietrich

It is that time of year when we can have a hard frost. This thought prompts me into action in harvesting my remaining tomatoes. It is our first year with a real live vegetable garden. This is all new to me. We have an unbelievable bounty of tomatoes. The vines are laden with heirlooms, romas and big boys. I brought a huge bowl back in to my house vowing to use them all before they go bad. This meant planning multiple meals using tomatoes at each meal. It was actually a lot of fun! The heirlooms were used for Caprese salad and yummy BLTs. The big boys were used for an unbelievably delicious uncooked tomato pasta topped with feta. Then for the finale we had friends over and I made a Late Harvest Tomato Chili with the romas. The chili was a big hit so I thought I would share my recipe with you.

Chili Made with Late Harvest Tomatoes


8 cups fresh tomato, coarsely chopped

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

1 teaspoon garlic chips

1 teaspoon olive oil

Cooking spray, olive oil flavored

1 onion, chopped

1 pound ground turkey

1 orange pepper, coarsely chopped

3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped

1 tablespoon jalapenos, diced

1 tablespoon chili powder

2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 teaspoon turmeric


1. Place the tomatoes, Italian seasoning and garlic in the slow cooker on high. Let it simmer for at least an hour before adding the other ingredients (if possible).

2. Spray a skillet with olive oil spray. Next add the teaspoon of olive oil. Sautee the onions for two minutes. Then add the turkey meat. Cook until browned.

3. Add the turkey meat to the tomato mixture in the slow cooker. Then add all other ingredients. Simmer on low for 7 hours.


Toppings~ add a tablespoon of one or all of these for a little added fun and flavor:

Plain Yogurt

Green Onions, chopped

Lowfat cheddar cheese, shredded


Serves 6. Serving size 1½ cup.


Enjoy! And Live Vibrant!

Sheila is the Founder and CEO of Livliga. Sheila created Livliga and the VisualQs philosophy out of her years of personal experience in waging the war against obesity and longing to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Personally benefitting from the concepts integrated into Livliga, she has become a great advocate for its efficacy in living a healthy lifestyle. Sheila now enjoys sharing what she has learned through her blog, tweeting and public conversations. Nothing better than sharing and learning!
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