Childless Couple Gets Triplets and Twins in a Year

Childless Couple Gets Triplets and Twins in a Year
Epoch Newsroom

Andy and Sarah Justice tried for years to have children, but weren’t able to conceive.

They considered treatments but they seemed expensive, so the couple decided to adopt instead and found a birth mother.

When Sarah joined the mother at the first ultrasound, doctors revealed that the Justices would be getting triplets! Sarah and Andy were both thrilled, and though the babies were underweight when born, they turned out healthy.

But a week after the triplets were born, Sarah began to feel sick. She went to the doctor.

He confirmed what she had only hoped for--she was pregnant, and with twins!

“We were very happy. Did we panic a little? Of course. But we were very happy,” she told TulsaWorld. “We really felt this was something God wanted us to do. And sometimes, when you follow God’s will in one thing, it leads to the next thing.”

The Justice family had quickly grown, but thanks to help from family and friends and even strangers--and little sleep--they have managed to cope.