Child in Domestic Violence Shelter Writes Heartbreaking Letter to Santa: ‘I Want a Very Good Dad’

Child in Domestic Violence Shelter Writes Heartbreaking Letter to Santa: ‘I Want a Very Good Dad’
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A 7-year-old living in a domestic violence shelter wrote a heartbreaking letter to Santa. On top of asking for school items as presents, the child also wanted a “very very very good dad.” After being posted on Facebook, the letter has gone viral, and the shelter wants to raise awareness on the issue of spousal abuse.

The boy, only known as “Blake,” to preserve his anonymity, has been living in the SafeHaven domestic violence center in Tarrant County, Texas, since around Thanksgiving. Blake wrote the letter as part of a school project. And according to the shelter’s Facebook post, his mother found it in his backpack.
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Illustration - Shutterstock | sdecoret

In the heartbreaking letter, posted in full on the shelter’s Facebook page, the child tells Santa why they had to leave their home. “Dad was mad. We had to do all the chores. Dad got everything he wanted. Mom said it was time to leave, and she would take us to a safer place where we don’t have to be scared,” the child explains.

He then states his Christmas wishes. They include “chapter books, a dictionary, compass and a watch.” However, his last request is the most poignant one. “I also want a very very very good dad. Can you do that too?” the letter reads.

Micah Thompson is the director of marketing for SafeHaven. She told CBS News why they chose this particular letter to post on their Facebook because it “was an emotional mix of a normal kid asking for his wishes from Santa but also explaining what it’s like to be a child who is away from home in a scary place for the holidays,” she explains.

According to Thompson, every year for Christmas, they organize a program named “Santa’s Sack,” where community members donate toys for the children who live in the shelter. “This year, we received more than 10,000 donated gifts, so rest assured that Blake is going to have everything he asked for and more for the holidays,” Thompson said, per CBS News. “In the same program, we set up a store in shelter where the kiddos can shop for their mom!” she added.

Shelter CEO Kathryn Jacob stated that Blake’s story is sadly not uncommon. “Blake’s story is like every story we see,” Jacob said, per CNN Wire. “The problem is so pervasive.”
Part of the reason they chose to post his heart-wrenching letter to Santa on Facebook was to raise awareness on the prevalence of the issue. “Be an advocate on behalf of survivors ... there are domestic violence shelters all over the United States,” Jacob told USA Today, “I know there are kids at other shelters also want a toothbrush and glasses cleaner.”

The letter touched many hearts on the internet. It got shared over 2,000 times, and many commented and enquired if Blake and his mother were safe. After receiving multiple messages, the shelter assured users in an updated message that both mom and son are safe. And thanks to donations, he will receive almost everything he wished for.

“We so appreciate everyone’s concern over the safety of Blake and his family. Victim safety has been our priority for over 40 years, and we would never compromise that through a social media post or otherwise. Blake and his mom are safe! Thank you for your concern for his family,” the moving post read.