Chief Governor of Taiwan Kiwanis: Virtuous World-Class Performance

“It was a high-class, top-notch performance.”
Chief Governor of Taiwan Kiwanis: Virtuous World-Class Performance
Xiao Chenliu, chief governor of Taiwan District of Kiwanis International enjoyed watching Shen Yun in Changhua, Taiwan. Dai Deman/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff

CHANGHUA, Taiwan—Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company made a titanic splash in its first performance in Taiwan’s southern city of Yunlin, Changhua, on the evening on April 1. Fervent fans waited outside the Yunlin Performance Hall long before the performing company graced the stage.

“Shen Yun is the one and only performance of such perfection and brilliance,” said Xiao Chenliu, Chief Governor of the Taiwan District of Kiwanis International.

Seeing Shen Yun for the very first time, Mr. Xiao sighed with praise. “The entire cast of Shen Yun, from the masters of ceremony to the dancers to the orchestra, consists of performers with great talent,” he said. “It was a high-class, top-notch performance.”

Mr. Xiao felt likewise for every piece. “Every single program was really impeccable,” he added. “It is hard to say which program I am most impressed with. I believe every single program is tremendous.”

Mr. Xiao was also enamored with the singing of baritone Qu Yue and soprano Jiang Min. “Both of their singing techniques were exemplary,” he explained. Mr. Xiao brought up how the song “It’s Not a Riddle If You Understand It” sung by Qu Yue gave him the same serene feeling as if reading Tang poetry.

According to Shen Yun’s website, “The resounding voices of bel canto soloists are an integral part of the Shen Yun experience. Each program is heightened by several moving selections from our singers. Their impassioned songs give voice to hopes that have shaped Chinese culture for centuries.”

Mr. Xiao was also taken aback by the perfection of bearing and form as expressed through the female performers. He said they were all very gifted. “Especially when they were twisting and turning, the overall rhythmic beauty was so charming,” he said. “This was all attributed to the dancers having excellent dancing skills.”

Power and Beauty—Perfect Posture

Also in attendance were Lin Wenqing, director of communication division for Nan Shan Life Insurance Company, and his wife, who were seeing Shen Yun together for the fourth time.

“The performance was very beautiful,” Mr. Lin said. “Through each individual program, the unique characteristics of different regions in China were portrayed, and they gave a feeling of happiness and comfort.”

Later Mrs. Lin cheerfully added that her favorite program was An Early Spring. “The dancing skills of the female performers were unbelievably excellent, showing both pure strength and beauty,” she explained. “What’s more important was everything was flawless.” Praising the figure of every single female performer, Mrs. Lin added, “Such beauty—their composure and figures were of perfection.”

Mr. Lin gave his blessing to his wife’s observation as he concluded, “The temperaments of all the dancers were very pleasant, making everyone feel quite comfortable.”

The couple agreed that a Shen Yun performance brings out true humanity within people as well as a true spiritual awakening. “After seeing the performance, you can’t but feel happy and excited,” they said. “The performance was simply perfect.”

Read the original Chinese article.

Reporting by Huang Caiwmen and Frank Fang

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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