Census: Children Make up One Quarter of Canadians Living in Poverty

Census: Children Make up One Quarter of Canadians Living in Poverty
Anita Khanna, national coordinator of Campaign 2000: End Child and Family Poverty in Canada, in Ottawa on Sept. 12, 2017. The Canadian Press/Justin Tang
The Canadian Press

OTTAWA—Of the 4.8 million people living below the poverty line as defined by Statistics Canada, 1.2 million are children under 18, according to the latest census numbers released Sept. 13.

The agency defines the so-called low-income measure, or LIM, as household earnings of less than half the national median income—$22,133 for a single person, or $38,335 for a family of three—as part of its latest glimpse into life in poverty in Canada.

But the measure is not a perfect way of determining the poverty threshold, in part because it can’t take into account the often complex financial circumstances many families are forced into.

But the newest census data forms a baseline for the federal Liberal government, which has vowed to slash child poverty, reduce inequality, and find a way to help struggling parents obtain better child care.

Internal government estimates pegged this year’s child poverty rate at between 11.7 and 13 percent, based on the LIM. Data for this year to measure the impact of the Liberal’s $23-billion-a-year child benefit program won’t be available for at least three more years.

“There have been positive steps, as well as positive signals of what is planned to address child poverty, but there is unfinished business,” said Anita Khanna, national co-ordinator of Campaign 2000, which pushes governments to eradicate child poverty in Canada.

“There is a path we can follow that can bring us to the point of eradication.”

It has been 28 years since the House of Commons vowed in 1989 to end child poverty by the year 2000.

Statistics Canada reported that in 2015, 17 percent of Canadian children under age 18 lived in low-income households, a figure that has stayed virtually unchanged for a decade even as median incomes have steadily gone up across the country.

“The fact that low income is stable means that people at the bottom of the [income] distribution are more or less keeping up with that growth,” said Andrew Heisz, assistant director in Statistics Canada’s income statistics division.

“They’re not growing faster, but they’re also not falling behind.”

In seven of Canada’s biggest cities, one in every five children was living in a low-income household in 2015.

Moreover, children in lone-parent households were three-and-a-half times more likely to live in poverty than their counterparts in two-parent families, even as the number of low-income, single-parents has declined since the late 1990s.

Children living in resource-rich Alberta, where commodity prices fuelled some of the largest gains in median incomes nationwide, were less likely to live in low-income conditions than anywhere else in Canada—only 12.8 percent of kids there were living in poverty.

In Quebec, second behind Alberta at 14.3 percent, studies show a robust child care and child benefits program has boosted the employment of women over 20 and helped cut low-income rates, despite the fact the province has among the lowest median income in the country.

The Liberal government’s new child benefit was designed to slash child poverty rates further, particularly in places like Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, which had the highest provincial child poverty rate at 22.2 percent.

In hard-hit Windsor, Ont., the child poverty rate topped out at 24 percent, the highest of any Canadian municipality, as a result of a deep and persistent decline in the manufacturing sector.

From The Canadian Press