Caroline Kennedy Withdraws Name for Senate Seat

Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, abruptly pulled her name...
Caroline Kennedy Withdraws Name for Senate Seat
Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg Win McNamee/Getty Images
<a><img src="" alt="Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg  (Win McNamee/Getty Images)" title="Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg  (Win McNamee/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831155"/></a>
Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg  (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

NEW YORK—Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, abruptly pulled her name out of hopefuls for the New York Senate seat according to reports on Wednesday.

A range of individuals have expressed their formal interest in the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by Hillary Clinton. Kennedy, although among the most prominent of the contenders, was widely panned for volunteering for the post. Largely at issue was her lack of professional workplace experience and perceived inability to maneuver the wranglings of a political office.

According to the New York Post, which broke the story of Kennedy’s withdrawal, she decided to give up after learning that she would not be New York Governor Paterson’s choice. The governor must choose Clinton’s replacement from a pool of individuals who have formally expressed interest.

Some of more than a dozen names still in the hat include New York state legislators Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, and Steve Israel, among others.

Kennedy was a staunch supporter and aggressive campaigner for President Obama during his campaign, much to the chagrin of Clinton.

Gov. Paterson is expected to make his decision over the coming weekend about her replacement. loyalists. According to the Post, New York City Mayor Bloomberg privately backed Kennedy, while publicly emphasizing her strengths.



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