Canadian Businesses are Embracing the VoIP Solution

Canadian Businesses are Embracing the VoIP Solution
James Richings

 Canadian business on VOIP phones

Although businesses traditionally rely on landlines -- and to some extent mobile phones –- to manage their communication needs, many companies are switching to a Voice over Internet Protocol solutions from expanding specialist VOIP phone companys such as because the many benefits outweigh any potential disadvantages.

VoIP technology facilitates the transfer of voice and multimedia communication over the Internet by sending the data in packets using the Internet Protocol standard. This technology is in stark contrast to the traditional public switched telephone network –- also known as PTSN –- which transfers analog voice data over telephone networks. In addition, a VoIP solution can have many features not readily available through a traditional telephone service provider at no extra cost; such as mobile and computer telephone integrations, virtual number hosting and a centralized virtual hosted private branch exchange system or PBX.

Unlike standard phone service, the operating cost for a VoIP solution to a business is low because the technology uses a company’s existing broadband Internet connection to provide communication services. This means that for a fixed cost -– which is usually substantially lower than a traditional phone service provider –- a company can effectively manage all of its communication needs. In some cases, VoIP companies also reduce the upfront cost of switching to a VoIP solution by offering free IP phones and adapters as part of a long-term service contract.

VoIP systems are highly configurable, which is an attractive feature for most businesses. For example, an employee can still use the service while away from the office using free telephony software on his laptop or mobile phone. The only requirement is broadband access to the Internet. Voice mail messages and faxes can be automatically sent to an employee’s email account when he is unavailable to take a call or fax, and a VoIP number can be set up to ring on multiple devices simultaneously to avoid missed calls.

Expanding Canadian Coverage
VoIP conference calling and videoconferencing options enable companies to host remote meetings with minimal downtime due to the increasing improvements in VoIP software and broadband infrastructure. For example, MetTel –- a company that provides VoIP services -– announced plans on Aug. 28, 2014 to expand its coverage throughout Canada. The company’s expansion efforts already include Newfoundland, Manitoba and Labrador.

According to Dublin-based Research and Markets, the size of the global VoIP market could reach approximately 348.5 million subscribers by the year 2020. This shift toward VoIP shows that the technology is not only here to stay, but that the improvements in the industry have instilled an increased level of confidence in using VoIP as a communications solution.

James Richings

James Richings is a 26 year old writer and blogger from the United Kingdom. He loves to write about his passions and hopes his interests, interest you also!
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