Canada Honours Contributions of Animals in War

A dedication to recognize the contributions of animals in war has been unveiled in downtown Ottawa.
Canada Honours Contributions of Animals in War
A bronze statute of a medical service dog stands in Confederation Park in downtown Ottawa, part of a dedication unveiled Nov. 3, 2012, in advance of Veterans’ Week from Nov. 5 to 11, to honour animals that served alongside their human comrades in war. The dedication also includes three interpretative plaques that explain the contributions of animals to Canada’s war efforts. During past wars, animals played a variety of roles. Mules carried supplies and artillery; horses hauled field guns; and carrier pigeons delivered messages to specific destinations. Dogs worked as messengers, medical assistants, mine detectors, and in search and rescue, and they are still used by the Canadian Armed Forces today. Jonathen Ren/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
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