Business Owner: Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra—Phenomenal

Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra was a one-of-a-kind experience for business owner Gordon Voegeli, who attended the performance at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas Tuesday, Oct. 15.
Business Owner: Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra—Phenomenal
Ms. Sunny Chen, her daughter Ms. Qi Wang, and Mr. Gordon Voegeli enjoyed the performance Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra gave at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, Oct. 15. Rich Rangel/Epoch Times

DALLAS—Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra was a one-of-a-kind experience for business owner Gordon Voegeli, who attended the performance at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Mr. Voegeli, founder of the multi-family construction company Unity Construction & Painting Inc., attended the performance with Ms. Sunny Chen and her daughter Ms. Qi Wang.

“Phenomenal! The music, the rendition, the way in which it was composed to the audience, the interaction,” Mr. Voegeli said. “Delightful, heart throbbing, and pounding.”

“Wonderful, fantastic!” Ms. Chen chimed in. “The connection was very good with everyone. I liked the two percussionists. Very skillful and just took it to a whole new level.”

“Alongside classical Western symphonic mainstays—like brass, woodwinds, strings, and percussion—Shen Yun incorporates ancient Chinese instruments such as the two-stringed erhu and the plucked pipa,” its website explains. The result is a sound like no other, and the selection of pieces fully showcases the orchestra’s repertoire.

Conductors Milen Nachev, Leif Erickson Sundstrup, Kei-Wei Kuo, and Yohei Sato each bring their own touch to the music, from the classical favorites to the original compositions.

“The interchange between the orchestra directors and their interplay with the musicians, I thought that the timing was outstanding,” Mr. Voegeli said. “It was almost as though it came from spring to summer, fall and winter. Just beautiful.”

Ms. Wang has played the piano for eight years and recently picked up the violin. “Very good,” she said enthusiastically of the performance. “Everyone must come.”

Mr. Voegeli whole-heartedly agreed: “They must come. They must join the celebration. Amazing music, wonderful quality, and extremely professional.”

Reporting by Rich Rangel and Catherine Yang

Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra is on a seven-city tour with performances in Washington, D.C., New York, Boston, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, from Sept. 27–Oct. 22. For more information, visit

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