Business Blog: How to Keep it Green in the Office

Business Blog: How to Keep it Green in the Office
James Richings

Eco office shot

Helping to create a more eco-friendly workplace can begin before you have even arrived at the office.  You could reduce your carbon emissions by leaving the car at home and opting for public transport.  Not only does this help the environment, but could save you money on fuel and parking.  Alternatively, it might be possible to arrange a car-pool system with colleagues; one car on the road is surely better than four or five, and should you have the misfortune of being stuck in traffic you will at least have some company!  Of course the greenest option is to ride a bike to work. This way you are emitting zero carbon emissions and keeping you fit at the same time!

Keep It Simple Stupid

Most of us at some point have arrived at the office in the morning and realised that we have forgotten to turn off the computer, monitor, printer etc the previous day.  This is something you must remember to do before you leave, even if it means keeping a reminder in your electronic diary or on a sticky note. 

It is likely that you are not the only one, and particularly in larger offices the wasted energy from forgetting these simple tasks could be astronomical.

The Green Relem of the Office Kitchen

If you have a kitchen in your office, try to be aware of how much energy you are using too.  The smallest adjustments, such as only boiling the amount of water you actually need for a cuppa, can add up to saving a lot of power.  Make sure there is a separate bin for disposing of recyclable materials such as plastic bottles and packaging, and try to use Fair Trade products wherever you can. 

In terms of cleaning products, washing up liquids etc, be sure to buy an eco-friendly brand.  If an outside contractor is responsible for cleaning the office, ask about the products they use.

Recycling (You must have heard of it)

Most offices will, or certainly should, have a recycling bin for paper and cardboard.  Still, it is a good idea to keep the amount of paper used to a minimum.  Recycling still uses energy.  Only print or photocopy when absolutely necessary, and try to make use of any excess.  Rather than just throwing it in the bin, you could use waste paper for jotting down notes or messages.  

Even printer cartridges can be recycled.  Of course it is even better if you can eco-friendly with the office supplies to begin with.  Purchase 100% recycled paper products, non- toxic stationery such as highlighters, and refillable ink cartridges.

Business Rubbish Removal

Many businesses have large amounts of waste to dispose a cheaper and much more eco friendly way to deal with large amounts of waste is to use a professional solution that doesn’t involve skip hire. Professional companys will removed all your rubbish in one hit, and then either send it for re-use or take it to a local licensed recycling facility.

I spoke with Clearabee in London who stated  “We currently re-use or recycle over 85% of all the waste we collect, making our service eco-friendly and affordable”.

Let their be light

Where possible, try to make the most of natural rather than artificial light.  Open up the blinds or curtains.  It makes for a much more pleasant working experience and save a fortune in costs and energy.  It is easy to avoid glare from the sun by attaching a screen to your monitor.  The same goes for heating and cooling the office; ideally the building would be well insulated to begin with, but try to rely on natural ventilation by opening the windows in warmer weather. 

Not only does air conditioning waste a great deal of energy, but it can be noisy and often proves a challenge to achieve a pleasant temperature. I have certainly found myself needing to wear a jumping in the office during a heat wave, as the air conditioning only seemed to have two settings: off and freezing!

Being a little more relaxed about the dress code can be helpful too.  Slightly more relaxed, cooling clothing in the summer months will make for a more comfortable work day. Remember to close windows when you leave for security and to keep the office warm overnight. 

So there you have it many ways to harbor the eco vibe in your work place, time to put into action and lets all help keep this planet working well, looked after and tidy.





James Richings is a 26 year old writer and blogger from the United Kingdom. He loves to write about his passions and hopes his interests, interest you also!
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