Brad Pitt Saves Girl From Raging Crowd, Girl Recalls Moment


Brad Pitt came to the aid of a young fan on May 22 while filming his latest movie“Allied” in Gran Canaria, Spain—and it was all caught on video.

The short clip begins with an overzealous crowd gathering at a fence to get a glimpse of the 44-year-old actor. Pitt comes out to greet his fans, which only leads to more excitement from the crowd, as fans eagerly hope to have a moment with the Hollywood star. The moment becomes more hostile and tense, in which 11-year-old Claudia Maria Bogausch Hernandez is pressed against the fence. Pitt seems to notice Hernandez is in danger and swiftly—with the help of others—lifts her over the fence and into safety.  

The mother of Hernandez, Maria Dolores Hernandez explained the terrifying incident in an interview with on May 24.

“We arrived at five in the afternoon and found a little hole next to the fence. Everything was going well until Brad Pitt came, I think about nine o'clock at night. People began to crowd into the fence—imprisoning the girl,” explained Hernandez. “She began to ask me for help and then Brad Pitt realized that the girl was overwhelmed. He approached and began trying to remove it until he got it. I bent down to try and help lift that out of there.”

Claudia recalled experiencing a variety of emotions including, “fear, nervousness and euphoria being with Brad Pitt.” The first inquiry the father of six had for the young fan was about her well-being in both English and Spanish.

Once she was free from the crowd and over the fence, Claudia and her mother were granted behind-the-scenes access to the movie set. 

“We saw how their makeup in the dressing room,” recounted Claudia, noting Pitt periodically checked in on them. The pair also took photographs with Pitt.

“At all times, he behaved like a gentleman. A gentleman from head to toe. He and the producer were watching us. Brad Pitt showed us to be an excellent person,” said Maria Dolores Hernandez.

Watch the short clip above.