BP Agrees to Live Feed of Gulf Oil Spill

After demands for greater transparency, BP has agreed to a public live video feed of the oil spill cleanup.
BP Agrees to Live Feed of Gulf Oil Spill
Kristina Skorbach

|Video Courtesy of NTDTV |

FOR AN UPDATE, CLICK HERE: Live Feed of Oil Spill ‘Top Kill’ Agreed To by BP

After demands for greater transparency, BP has agreed to a public live video feed of the oil spill cleanup. The live stream will be released on Rep. Edward J. Markey’s (D-Mass.) website. Markey is chairman of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee in the Energy and Commerce Committee.

The feed is available on Markey’s website, globalwarming.house.gov.

Markey proposed that if BP was reluctant to post videos on their site, he would be willing to host them on his Energy Independence and Global Warming website free of charge.

“This may be BP’s footage, but it’s America’s ocean,” said Rep. Markey in a press release about the footage.

In a letter to the CEO of BP America, Markey stated that underwater machines have been recording the unveiling of events since a few days after the oil broke out, but BP did not provide footage until almost a month later.

Markey urged BP to release live footage of the environmental disaster, even though it is the property of BP, so that the Americans and Congress can understand what is going on and react appropriately.

<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/BPoil100020844.jpg" alt="Smoke rises from a controlled burn May 19, in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ordered BP to use a less toxic chemical oil dispersant to break up the oil in the Gulf.  (John Kepsimelis/U.S. Coast Guard via Getty Images)" title="Smoke rises from a controlled burn May 19, in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ordered BP to use a less toxic chemical oil dispersant to break up the oil in the Gulf.  (John Kepsimelis/U.S. Coast Guard via Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1819650"/></a>
Smoke rises from a controlled burn May 19, in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ordered BP to use a less toxic chemical oil dispersant to break up the oil in the Gulf.  (John Kepsimelis/U.S. Coast Guard via Getty Images)
For example, scientists who studied a short sample of video footage released by BP estimated that around 70,000 barrels of oil leaked out of the broken pipes a day, not the stated 5,000 barrels a day. Video streaming of the oil spill will allow for immediate response of first class scientists and engineers who will help solve the leak.

According to media reports, celebrity Kevin Costner has decided to contribute to the cleanup of the oil in the Gulf of Mexico, by inventing a new technique called ‘Ocean Therapy’ which includes a $24 million centrifuge machine.

“BP is capturing a fraction of the oil, but they don’t know what that fraction is. By releasing this video, we’ve taken the first step toward allowing better access to the information BP has about this spill,” proposed Markey on the released statement.

“Life lost, livelihoods have been ruined, we have a responsibility to ensure that this never happens again,” said Markey in an interview with C-SPAN. Markey added that the lessons learned from the oil spill tragedy will become laws in the future.
Kristina Skorbach is a Canadian correspondent based in New York City covering entertainment news.
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