Boston Marathon Explosions: The Day After

Coverage of the explosions at the Boston Marathon, the day after.
Boston Marathon Explosions: The Day After
Two women place flowers on the doorstep of the Richard house in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston on Tuesday. Martin Richard, 8, was killed in Monday's bombings at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The boy's mother, Denise, and 6-year-old sister, Jane, were badly injured. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)
Zachary Stieber

Note to readers: This is the end of our live blog covering the explosions at the Boston Marathon.

Please visit our home page for other updates that will come in the following days and later tonight.

Thank you for following along, and feel free to leave us feedback telling us what you found helpful, and how you think we could improve.


This is our coverage of the explosions at the Boston Marathon, the day after.

For coverage of events immediately after the explosions, go here.

For our photo blog of the day after, go here.

The Boston Police have set up two phone numbers: 

For victims: 617-635-4500

Incident reports: 800-494-TIPS

Update--5:35 p.m.

Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino have sey up a fund to help people most affected by the blasts.

Find out more here.

Update--5:30 p.m.

A second victim who was killed in the Boston Marathon bombing was identified on Tuesday, according to reports.

The victim was identified as 29-year-old Krystle Campbell, a restaurant manager in Medford, Mass., according to NBC News and other outlets. Two other people, including an 8-year-old boy were killed in the bomb blast.

Authorities on Tuesday found that the bombs were made out of pressure cookers that contained gunpowder and shrapnel.

Her father, William Campbell, told NBC that he was initially told that his daughter was alive and was in surgery, but it turned out she was one of the victims who died.

Read the full article here

Update--5:26 p.m.

Mayor Thomas Menino:

“Boston’s coming together like it never has before. We will not let terror take us over.”

Deval Patrick, the governor of Mass.

There’s an interfaith service scheduled at 11 a.m. on Thursday, at the Cathedral at Holy Cross at the south end. The President will join us for that.

These are times when all kinds of forces start to think about categories of people in certain ways.

We are one community, we are all in this together, and the sensitivity that we show to each other as we heal will be an important part of how we feel.

Update--5:24 p.m.

FBI Special Agent in Charge Richard DesLauriers:

Recovered items related to the blast, and sent to FBI headquarters in Virigina. Pieces of black nylon, which could be from a backpack, and what appear to be fragments of BBs and nails, which might have been in a pressure cooked device.

Both explosives were in dark colored nylon bag or backpack. At this point it is difficult to determine specific components used. Won’t know with some certainty until lab completes final review.

“Rest assured we are working hard to get the answers. At this time there are no claims of responsibility. The range of suspects and motives are wide open.”

Asking for public feedback. “Someone knows who did this.”

Someone carrying a dark-colored bag in the area around the blast.

Tomorrow, there’s a press conference in early afternoon.

Update--5:06 p.m.

Boston ‘Looting’ Video Likely Just Volunteers

A video that purportedly shows people looting jackets after the Boston Marathon explosions that left three dead and scores injured drew condemnation, questions, but some netizens said it was unlikely people in the video were looting. At the same time, memorabilia from the Boston Marathon showed up on eBay, including a jacket.

The news of the eBay postings come after a YouTube user uploaded a video, claiming that people were looting in the aftermath of the bombing. However, a number of Internet users were quick to point out that it appeared that people were simply doling out Boston Marathon jackets to people affected by the tragedy.

“These were not ‘looters.’ The [Boston Marathon] organizers dropped the boxes off and told people to take them. Their idea was that it would help with the cold and at that point…no one cared about cost,” said one user on Reddit after the “looting” video was posted there.

Read the full article here

Update--5:00 p.m.

Live press conference from officials, starting any minute, streaming here.

Update--4:16 p.m.

REVERE, Mass.—Police were seen carrying several large bags from a suburban Boston apartment that authorities say was searched in connection to the Boston Marathon bombing.

Boston area television stations reported that the bags were removed from the apartment on Ocean Avenue in Revere just north of Boston at about 2 a.m. Tuesday.

Police did not disclose what was in them and calls to federal and state authorities were not immediately returned.

Read the full article here

Update--4:07 p.m.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says there is no evidence that the bombings at the Boston Marathon are part of a wider plot.

Napolitano says DHS will maintain what she called “enhanced security measures at transportation hubs” as a precaution.

Two people briefed on the investigation said that a pair of bombs packed into pressure cookers and concealed in duffel bags blew up within seconds of each other.

They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not allowed to discuss the details publicly.

Update--4:04 p.m.

Two war veterans experienced flashbacks when the explosives near the finish line at the Boston Marathon sounded like IEDs.

“We immediately recognized that noise,” said Thom Kenny, who served in Afghanistan.

Kenny, a 43-year old Army Reserve Captain from Sudbury, Mass.,  told the Huffington Post he was next to another veteran at the time.

The bombings evoked a range of emotions in Kenny.

“All the work I have done not to jump at loud explosions and sounds--the majority of that work is pretty much gone now.”

He also said it’s difficult when his daughter asked him after the explosions, “So Daddy, that’s what an IED sounds like?”

“I went to Afghanistan to try to bring some peace to the world so my children and nieces and nephews didn’t have to face this in the future,” Kenny said. “Now they know what it’s like to be around a blast, to be in a situation where somebody is trying to kill you for God knows what reason.”

Update--3:26 p.m.

There have been reports and speculation that looting has proliferated in the aftermath of the Boston marathon bombings on Monday.

Video footage that was purportedly filmed after the two explosions shows some people taking jackets that were issued by the Boston Marathon, according to Yahoo News.

“Looters stealing marathon jackets, while others are just feet away critically injured,” said one YouTube user in the video.

Watch video and read the full article here

Update--3:20 p.m.

Ann Curry, a journalist with MSNBC, has started a hashtag on Twitter called #26Acts2, calling for random acts of kindness to honor the victims and injured in the Boston Marathon explosions.

Curry sparked a similar effort after the shootings in Sandy Hook, Conn.

The effort is already inspiring people to act, or share their acts of kindness.

David DeAngelis, working in the student affairs office at Suffolk University, said that his office brought pizzas to the local fire station “to honor and thank our local first responders.”

Sue Jones, a Boston resident, said she’s out of town at the moment. Her act of kindness was to pay for two strangers’ admission to a water park.

“My teenage son said ‘What’s in this for me?” Jones said on Twitter. Jones answered: “A sense of wellbeing.”

Update--3:02 p.m.

Two of the biggest marathons in the world will still be held, according to organizers.

The ING Marathon in New York City will still be held in November, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.

And the London Marathon will proceed, according to Nick Bitel, chief executive of the London Marathon.

“One of the great things about these marathons is that they are free and available to the public — that’s why we have hundreds of thousands of people come out and watch them,” Bitel said. “I can’t see how that is going to change.

“It’s part of the whole ethos of what a mass-participation marathon is about. What one has to do is make appropriate and reasonable security measures in light of the threats and that’s what we'll be doing on Sunday.”

There will be 30 seconds of silence before the start of the elite men’s race and mass start to “mark the tragic events that have unfolded in Boston,” organizers said in a statement. Runners are encouraged to wear a black ribbon, which will be given to them when they pick up their race numbers.

Update--2:59 p.m.

BOSTON—Members of several public safety unions are teaming up to offer a $50,000 reward for information leading to arrests in the Boston Marathon bombing.

The unions, including the Boston Police Patrolman’s Association, the Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society and the Boston Fire Fighters Local 718, said they hope the reward will help “bring to justice those terrorists who sought to destroy our city.”

Richard Paris, the president of Local 718, said the union is also forming a Boston First Responder’s Fund and will donate 100 percent of the proceeds to victims and their families.

Donations to the fund can be made through the Boston Firefighters Credit Union.

Update--2:54 p.m.

Security systems:

The area around Copley Square remained closed Tuesday, and security was tight around Boston, with bomb-sniffing dogs checking Amtrak passengers’ luggage at South Station and transit police patrolling with rifles. The Federal Aviation Administration barred low-flying aircraft within 3.5 miles of the site. Other cities also beefed up security in response to the bombing and the Secret Service expanded its security perimeter around the White House.

What’s next:

The FBI, U.S. attorney’s office and other law enforcement officials were tentatively planning their next media briefing around 5 p.m. Tuesday. Obama will be briefed Tuesday on the investigation and the ongoing response efforts from FBI Director Robert Mueller, homeland security assistant Lisa Monaco and other senior members of his team.

Read the rest of the summaries here

Update--2:39 p.m.

One of the victims from the Boston Marathon explosions had been identified before, as an 8-year old.

Now, another of the three dead have been identified, as Krystle Campell, a 29-year-old from Medford, Mass.

Her grandmother Lillian Campbell of Somerville told the Boston Globe that she had just moved into town to help Lillian through an illness.

Krystle Campell was grieved by her father, William Campell Jr.

“My daughter was the most lovable girl,” he told Yahoo! News. “She helped everybody, and I’m just so shocked right now. We’re just devastated. She was a wonderful, wonderful girl. Always willing to lend a hand.”

Krystle was at the race watching her boyfriend run. A friend with her at the race is currently hospitalized.

Campell recently left a job as manager of Shake Shack for a job at another restaurant.

Danielle Meuse, who worked with her at Shake Shack, said via Twitter that Campell “was an amazing person and manager.”

“We lost an amazing person yesterday,” Meuse said. “Rest in peace Krystle. Ill always remember you.”

Update--2:27 p.m.

Texas College Campus Locked Down After Gunman Spotted

A gunman was spotted on Tarant County College in Arlington, Texas, on Tuesday. Officials told students to keep quiet and duck down.

Police suspect that the gunman is a burglary suspect who is armed, according to WFAA television in Dallas.

The college’s southeastern campus was locked down after the suspect was spotted in a forested area nearby, police spokeswoman Rita Parson said.

She described it as an “unrelated police incident near campus.”

Read the full article here


Marathon Hero Carlos Arredondo Describes Experience

Marathon hero Carlos Arredondo described his experience of helping rescue a man who lost his legs in a the bomb blasts that hit the Boston race on Monday.

Arredondo, a peace activist, has been hailed as a hero after he was photographed helping rescue a man who was injured in the Boston Marathon bombing on Monday.

A photo of Arrendondo, wearing a cowboy hat and escorting an injured man in a wheelchair, was circulated across social media sites following the two blasts.

Read the full article here

Update--1:48 p.m.

Dad: Boston Marathon Bomb Victim had Both Legs Amputated

BOSTON—The father of a man who was photographed being pushed away from the Boston Marathon bombing in a wheelchair says his son has had both legs amputated.

Jeff Bauman says his son, 27-year-old Jeff Bauman Jr., is the man in an Associated Press photo taken shortly after the bombing.

His father says on his Facebook page that his son had to have both lower limbs removed at Boston Medical Center because of extensive vascular and bone damage. He says his son also had to have another surgery because of fluid in his abdomen.

Bauman says his son was there to watch his girlfriend run. She was not hurt. He says his son was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Update--1:40 p.m.

While President Barack Obama avoided calling the Boston Marathon explosions a terrorist attack on April 15, he changed his language on April 16.

“Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror,” Obama said from the White House.

Federal officials are treating the incidents as a terrorist attack, although they don’t know who the perpetrators are, or the motive behind the attacks.

But how is terrorism defined?

The Wall Street Journal asked Robert Chesney, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, a specialist in national security issues.

“Categorizing this attack as terrorism, as opposed to run-of-the-mill violent crime, ensures that the FBI will be the lead investigative agency rather than local authorities,” Chesney told the Journal via email.

Chesney added that it’s hard to imagine that the bombings weren’t an act of terrorism.

“We shall see what we eventually learn about the perpetrators and their intentions, of course,” he said. “In theory the mode of violence – ie, bombing vs stabbing vs shooting—should not matter to the analysis. But the reality is that bombings are perceived by most everyone as a paradigmatically terrorist act … instead being some kind of run-of-the-mill crime.”

Max Abrahms, terrorism expert and fellow at John Hopkins, told The Epoch Times after the explosions that they’re likely the work of terrorists, but the people behind them are amateurs.

“Clearly, they’re not a highly capable group, and that’s consistent with the terrorism threat of today, which is being picked up by amateurs,” Abrahms said. “They generally have very little financial backing. These are what’s known as self starters.”

“Because of the success of counterterrorism efforts, it is very difficult for large groups of terrorists to coordinate and plan together, so you have small groups of people who are learning how to make explosive devices on the Internet,” Abrahms said. “This kind of attack is emblematic of the contemporary terrorism threat of today.”

Update--1:31 p.m.

Michael Bloomberg, New York City mayor, said there are no plans to cancel this year’s marathon, which takes place in November.

Update-1:28 p.m.

New York City officials discussed safety and security in the city following the bombings in Boston.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said police have stepped up their presence--there’s more on the subway system, for instance, and police are conducting more searches.

NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly said that there’s more police at landmarks and houses of worship, but mostly at hotels

“We prepared as if yesterday was a prelude to an attack [here],” he said.

There were 77 reports of suspicious packages yesterday, according to Kelly; in comparison, 21 reports came in the same period last  year.

Kelly said that police responded to two calls of bomb scares.

“Neither was a crank call,” said Kelly. “The public was doing what it was supposed to do.”

This weekend there are 2 races:

-5k run to the 9/11 Memorial

-4 mile run in Central Park

Security will be stepped up for both. Kelly said police will be reevaluating security measures in light of the Boston Marathon bombings.

“We are vigilant, but we are vigilant for a reason,” said Kelly “We are going to continue to do everything we have been doing to make sure the city remains as safe as possible.”

Update--1:07 p.m.

The father of one of the victims of the explosion, an eight year old boy, has issued a statement.

My dear son Martin has died from injuries sustained in the attack on Boston. My wife and daughter are both recovering from serious injuries. We thank our family and friends, those we know and those we have never met, for their thoughts and prayers. I ask that you continue to pray for my family as we remember Martin. We also ask for your patience and for privacy as we work to simultaneously grieve and recover. Thank you.

Update--1:03 p.m.

Doctor: We Removed Sharp Objects From Marathon Victims

BOSTON—Doctors say they removed a host of sharp objects from children and adults injured by the Boston Marathon explosions.

A doctor at Boston Children’s Hospital said they removed BB pellets and nails from children. Dr. David Mooney says there were nails sticking out of one little girl’s body.

Read the full article here

Update--12:50 p.m.

Boston Children’s Hospital discharged seven of the ten patients injured from the explosions at the Boston Marathon.

“Two are in critical condition in the Medical/Surgical ICU and one is on a surgical unit,” the hospital said.

The patients that remain at the hospital are: a 2-year-old boy with a head injury who is in good condition, a10-year-old boy with multiple leg injuries who is in critical condition, and a 9-year-old girl with a leg injury is in critical condition.

The seven patients discharged were: a 14-year-old boy with head injury, a 42-year-old father of a patient, a 7-year-old boy with a minor leg injury, a 12-year old with a femur fracture, two children in “good condition” and a pregnant woman who was transferred to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Update--12:29 p.m.

Boston Marathon Explosions: Bombs Were in Pressure Cookers

WASHINGTON—A person briefed on the Boston Marathon investigation says the explosives were in 6-liter pressure cookers and placed in black duffel bags.

The person says the explosives were placed on the ground and contained shards of metal, nails and ball bearings. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

Read the full article here

Update--12:12 p.m.

Reporter at Boston Marathon Bomb Blasts: ‘I don’t know what will happen next year’

EDITOR’S NOTE: Boston sports writer Jimmy Golen was covering his 18th Boston Marathon when he heard the bombs go off at the finish line. This is his account of how it unfolded.

BOSTON—This year’s Boston Marathon had seemed so normal.

The winners were a man from Ethiopia and a woman from Kenya, and even runners two hours behind raised their arms as they finished, ecstatic just to have made it to the end of one of the most grueling 26.2-mile marathon courses.

Volunteers were on hand to catch those who collapsed as they crossed the blue and yellow finish line. Spectators cheered not just for family members but for every “Dan” or “Alan” smart enough to write his name on his shirt.

Then I heard the first blast. I turned to see gray smoke billowing from the north side of Boylston Street and rising over the photo bridge at the finish line. A few seconds later came another blast.

Read the full article here

Update--11:50 a.m.

78-Year-Old Boston Runner Photo Goes Viral After Bombing

EVERETT, Wash.—A 78-year-old Washington state man running his third Boston Marathon was near the finish line when he was knocked down by one of two bomb blasts and caught in a news photograph that quickly went viral.

Bill Iffrig, of Lake Stevens, told The Herald of Everett that he heard a noise Monday and found himself on the ground.

“It was only 5 feet away from me,” he said. “It was really loud.”

He said he ended up with a scrape on his knee, and that a race official helped him to his feet.

Read the full article here

Update--11:40 a.m.

Mystery Man on Roof Photo Draws Social Media Speculation

One of the most heavily circulated photos on social media of the Boston Marathon bombings shows a mysterious figure walking on a nearby rooftop.

The photo, which primarily depicts the second bomb explosion, was taken by reporter Dan Lampariello. The two bombs were detonated around 12 seconds apart close to the race’s finish line, according to Yahoo News.

The Twitter parody account of singer Frank Ocean, called @Fraank_Oceaan, was one of the first to notice the mysterious figure and a post was retweeted more than 2,200 times. “Who’s that guy on the roof??” he asked.

Read the full article here

Update--11:38 a.m.

President Barack Obama:

Briefed by security team. We are calling this an act of terrorism.

“We continue to mobilize and deploy all appropriate law enforcement resources, to protect our citizens, and investigate the attacks.

“This was a heinous and cowardly act, and given what we now know what took place, the FBI is now investigating it as an act or terrorism.”

“The American people refuse to be terrorized, because what the american people saw after the Boston Marathon explosions were acts of heroism.”

People helped out in different ways--medical students helping out, priests opening churches to victims, Boston locals opening their homes to the stranded.

“If you want to know who we are, America, is, how we respond to evil, that’s it--selflessly, passionately, unafraid.”

Obama added that officials don’t know anything about the perpetrators yet.

Update--11:28 a.m.

President Barack Obama will give address the nation at 11:30 a.m. Watch live here.

Update--11:13 a.m.

Officials are steering clear of calling the explosions a terrorist attack. President Barack Obama avoided the term in his speech last night, and a Eurpean security official said Tuesday, according to CBS, that initial evidence supports that it’s not the work of terrorists.

“So far, investigators believe it was not the work of suicide bombers, but it is still too early to rule it out completely,” said the official, who spoke from the United States on condition of anonymity.

Max Abrahms, terrorism expert and fellow at John Hopkins, told The Epoch Times that the bombings were likely the work of amatuer terrorists, with very little financial backing.

“Because of the success of counterterrorism efforts, it is very difficult for large groups of terrorists to coordinate and plan together, so you have small groups of people who are learning how to make explosive devices on the Internet,” Abrahms said. “This kind of attack is emblematic of the contemporary terrorism threat of today.”

Update--11:08 a.m.

8-Year Old Boston Marathon Bombing Victim Recalled As Spirited

BOSTON—The boy who was killed in the Boston Marathon bombings was remembered by neighbors Tuesday as a vivacious 8-year-old who loved to run and climb.

Martin Richard was among the three people killed in the explosions Monday, according to U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch, a friend of the family for 25 years. The boy’s mother, Denise, and 6-year-old sister, Jane, were badly injured. His brother and father were also watching the race but were not hurt.

They had gone to get ice cream, then returned to the area near the finish line. Neighbor Jack Cunningham said Martin’s father was a runner but had been injured and didn’t run the marathon.

“They were looking in the crowd as the runners were coming to see if they could identify some of their friends when the bomb hit,” Lynch said. He described the family as very strong and said they were doing better than might be expected.

Read the full article here

Update--11:05 a.m.

The Red Cross has posted tips to help cope with the disaster.

“When we experience a disaster or other stressful life event, we can have a variety of reactions, all of which can be common responses to difficult situations,” the organization advises.

“These reactions can include:

  • Feeling physically and mentally drained

  • Having difficulty making decisions or staying focused on topics

  • Becoming easily frustrated on a more frequent basis

  • Arguing more with family and friends

  • Feeling tired, sad, numb, lonely or worried

  • Experiencing changes in appetite or sleep patterns”

Most of these reactions will go away over time, so look for ways to take it one step at a time.

Recovery is not a race, the Red Cross advises. Here are some tips:

Getting ourselves and our lives back in a routine that is comfortable for us takes time.

  • Take care of your safety. Find a safe place to stay and make sure your physical health needs and those of your family are addressed. Seek medical attention if necessary.

  • Eat healthy. During times of stress, it is important that you maintain a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.

  • Get some rest. With so much to do, it may be difficult to have enough time to rest or get adequate sleep. Giving your body and mind a break can boost your ability to cope with the stress you may be experiencing.

  • Stay connected with family and friends. Giving and getting support is one of the most important things you can do. Try to do something as a family that you have all enjoyed in the past.

  • Be patient with yourself and with those around you. Recognize that everyone is stressed and may need some time to put their feelings and thoughts in order. That includes you!

  • Stay positive. Remind yourself of how you’ve successfully gotten through difficult times in the past. Reach out when you need support, and help others when they need it.

Additionally, affected people will probably go through different feelings manifesting themselves, such as crying spells or bursts of anger, or difficulty eating or sleeping. Don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance to local organizations or doctors if this is happening.

Update--10:50 a.m.

How to Talk to Children About Boston Marathon Explosions

Dr. Claire McCarthy, a pediatrician and medical communications editor at Boston Children’s Hospital, advised parents on how they should talk with their children about the Boston Marathon explosions.

It would be easier to cry than to talk, she wrote in a Boston Globe blog post, “but words have to be said to children; as parents, we don’t get the luxury of processing and dealing separately from our children.”  

On the Boston Children’s Hospital pediatric health blog, McCarthy laid out suggestions for parents in the face of such incomprehensible tragedy.

Here are McCarthy’s suggestions to parents, adapted from their advice after the Sandy Hook school shooting, in talking with children about the Boston Marathon explosions.

Read the full article here

 Update--10:25 a.m.

Police commissioner Ed Davis says the crime scene after  it is the most complex crime scene in history of the department.

Authorities are looking for amateur video and photographic evidence that can give clues to who set off the bombs.

Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel Conley says “what occurred in Boston was an act of cowardice.”

Updates--10:10 a.m.

Boston Police confirm that 176 people went to Boston area hospitals after yesterday’s race. The current death count is three. 

Updates--10:05 a.m.

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino:

“It’s our intention to go through every frame of every video that we have.”

Update--9:55 a.m. 

Authorities: FBI and other agencies have brought in certified explosive specialists, special agent bomb techs, and canines that are trained to detect any explosive devices or any residue.

To dispel any rumors, there are only two [explosive] devices recovered.  

Authorities asking public to provide any media (videos, pictures) that would aid investigation.

Update--9:48 a.m.

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino:

“I’ve never seen law enforcement pull together and work together to solve the crime,” and business people and other people, too.

“This is a tragedy and Boston is a strong city. Boston will overcome.”

“During the last several hours we’ve received calls from all over the world, asking about the tragedy and how they can help us.”

Update--9:45 a.m.

Mass. Gov Deval Patrick:

“It’s important to clarify that two and only two explosive devices were found yesterday.”

Over 150 people were injured from the explosions.

“It’s our hope that tomorrow we will organize an interfaith prayer service to help our community heal.”

Update--9:42 a.m.

Live press conference with update 

The Associated Press and Epoch Times staff members Ryan Jeffries, Jack Phillips, Kelly Ni, and Phoebe Ryles contributed reporting

Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]
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