Biker Dog’s Daring Act Leaves People on Freeway Asking for More!

Biker Dog’s Daring Act Leaves People on Freeway Asking for More!
Riders on freeways were surprised watching dog bikers. Few recent posts on Twitter have gone viral. (brooke_harris18/Twitter)

Dogs have special abilities and there’s evidence to prove it. A few recent Twitter videos of dogs riding with their human parents have made this point.

Twitter user, ohdangitskaelyn tweeted a video on Wednesday, that showed a dog riding pillion on a speeding motorcycle on a Las Vegas freeway. “My mom saw this on the freeway today...,” she tweeted.
The video had been watched 1.62 million times as of Jan. 21, and the biker dog is identified as Sox. His Instagram profile says, “Inspiring Dog Lovers to do More with Their Dogs! Sox the Motorcycle Riding Husky Traveling the World with his Hooman. 59,000 Miles Ridden Over 6 Years.”
Americans live with 70 million dogs and 74 million cats according to The Humane Society. And 90 percent of Americans consider cats and dogs to be family members while 80 percent would risk their lives for them.

No wonder pet owners like to do things with their loved family members, and consider their dogs to be equal partners in adventure—in this case, motorcycle riding.

“There have been a lot of big discoveries … Dogs are very distinctly different from us genetically, but psychologically, they are more like us,” Dr. Brian Hare, professor of cognitive neuroscience at Duke University, told Business Insider.

However these dogs manage to balance on speeding bikes as seen in these videos sure is hard to believe. They sure are highly trained dogs.

There are other daily buddies who have learned to ride along to the market. Twitter is full of many such adorable posts.

If the ability to ride was not impressive enough, there are other reports to prove how capable dogs can be. Dogs can learn new words the way kids do, according to Business Insider.

A dog named Rico, learned more than 200 different words, mostly the names of toys. Hare told Business Insider that Rico was using the same language skills that children use, a process called “fast-mapping,” or inference. Another dog called Chaser had learned about 1,000 words by the same process.

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