Best Teaching Tools for Contemporary Educators

Best Teaching Tools for Contemporary Educators
Samantha Millers

Teachers have always been having troubles to instruct students and keep them motivated to learn. Today their work is made much easier with a great number of tools and websites that improve their teaching methods and increase the interest of their students.
The tools we will feature in the list below can make any teacher’s life easier by helping them to stay organized and saving them a lot of time.
1. WikiNews
If you are looking for an educative, but fun way to spice up your teaching methods, then you should definitely check this website out. There is an immense amount of news and knowledge sources featured at WikiNews, so you can easily combine the site with your lectures and inspire students to read it on a daily basis.

2. Custom writing service Essay Minions
Effective and respectable educators are recognized by the textbooks and lessons plans they create. However, sometimes you just don’t have time to complete every task on your to-do list, so you have to delegate some of the work to real professionals. With the use of Essay Minions, you can rely on the assistance of experts with graduate degrees in the field of your interest. 

3. Bloglines
This is another news aggregator that will enable you to stay informed about the current events on topics relevant to the classes you are teaching. Every educator should keep pace with fresh information from their field of study, and this sophisticated tool will help them achieve that goal.

4. Awasu
This is a feed reading tool with great features that make it suitable for both professional and personal use. Educators can use Awasu to archive important content and find the information they need through its advanced search engine.

5. Diigo
Diigo is a practical bookmark manager that enables its users to remember information easily by highlighting it or attaching sticky notes. This is the best tool to recommend to your students when assigning new individual or team projects.

6. Pinterest
All your students love Pinterest, so you can use the attractiveness of this website into your advantage. Many teachers from all around the world rely on Pinterest as a fun and appealing tool that enables them to organize their ideas and lessons plans and share them with students and colleagues.

7. Shoopy
This is a very popular tool that has found its place in the majority of schools around the USA. You can use it to post information about homework assignments, as well as important deadline notices and dates.

8. Engrade
If you still haven’t started using an online gradebook, then you are way behind the trends. Engrade is a fun and effective tool that enables you to post assignments, grades, information about attendance and homework assignments online. Your students and their parents can access it from their homes, so you will make sure that every piece of information gets to the right destination.

9. Crocodoc
If you convert PDF and Microsoft Office documents to HTML5, you will make them moreaccessible for your students because they will be able to view them on their mobile devices. Don’t worry; the process is not complicated at all. With the use of Crocodoc, you can deliver documents to your students in an easily-viewable format.

10. Minidomo
You can recommend this effective mindmapping tool to your students, but don’t forget that it can increase your own productiveness as well. You can use it for brainstorming whenever you need to plan your lectures and think of a way to make them more attractive.

Become a better teacher with the right tools at hand!
Your students love technology and there is nothing you can change about that aspect of modern life, so the best thing you can do is keep up with the trends and use them to turn yourself into a cooler teacher.
All ten tools we listed above are extremely easy to use, and you will soon become a more effective and productive educator that all students will admire.