Happy Valentine’s Day!
Restaurant Week NYC: As most of the “special” restaurants
In New York charge handsomely for the privilege of dining with them on Valentine’s Day, my recommendation is to wait until Monday when restaurant week starts. (Feb. 16–March 6). The prices and usually the food and service are better and the selection of 300 is awesome! For info:nycgo.com (3 courses, lunch 25$, dinner 38$)

Theater: Wiesenthal: This Off- Broadway gem only runs until Feb. 22, but it is worth the trip! Tom Dugan does an amazing job transforming himself into the famous Nazi Hunter, in a most enjoyable evening. (It is 90 minutes with no intermission at the Acorn Theatre.) Info at TeleCharge.com.
Attention Dog Lovers: The world’s most important dog show takes place at Madison Square Garden on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 16 and 17. It is quite the spectacle if you have never been there, and if you have you don’t need me to tell you how fabulous it is. Info at Westminster-show.tickets-center.com.

Documentary Film: Citizen Four: An intimate interview with the USA’s most famous whistle blower. By the way, the film is nominated for an Oscar at next week’s Academy Awards. The access obtained by producer Laura Poitras and Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald presents in spellbinding detail the subject of surveillance and what the corruption of our privacy means. Check local listings, and don’t miss it! Info: Citizenfourfilm.com.