Best Digital Marketing Practices for 2015 and Beyond

Best Digital Marketing Practices for 2015 and Beyond
Chris Grasso

As technology grows, marketing platforms change. If you want to be a contender in business, you’ve got to keep up with the swirling changes in the digital marketing world. Here are three ways to stay on your game in 2015.

Deliver Quality Content

Content marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach consumers and make conversions, but the degree to which marketers use content will intensify in 2015. Experts predict that content marketing will:

  • Become more research-driven and goal-oriented. To catch people at all points of the consumer cycle, give your marketing plan a laser focus by using well-written, well-researched content.
  • Focus less on keywords and more on the authentic sharing of information. Give your consumers something of value. Content for content’s sake is not the answer anymore.
  • Build brand authority and thought leadership while simultaneously making sales. Now more than ever, it’s important to seek writing services by reputed companies who know how to weave ideas, research, and persuasive writing into one powerful package.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

If you haven’t optimized your website for mobile yet, it’s time to do so. You’re destined to lose significant revenue if you don’t.

Mobile technology hasn’t completely overtaken us yet, but it certainly proved its salt during the 2014 holiday shopping rush. According to comScore data, mobile holiday spending increased by 25 percent from 2013 to 2014. Desktop spending, by comparison, grew only 14 percent.

In 2009, Fortune 500 company Morgan Stanely predicted that the “mobile web” would surpass the desktop Internet use in popularity within five years. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.

Get Active on Social Media


Image via Flickr by mkhmarketing

If you haven’t found a way to push your product on social media yet, you’re lagging behind. In 2014, a whopping 92 percent of marketers who responded to a survey by Social Media Marketing agreed that social media plays an important role in their advertising strategy. Are you part of the eight percent that hasn’t found a way to leverage Twitter, Facebook, or other social media to your advantage?

Here are five crucial social media marketing trends for 2015:

  1. Interactive video and short-form visual content are two of the hottest content forms this year.
  2. It’s not just about Facebook and YouTube. Marketers are using venues like SlideShare and Google + to get their points across. 
  3. Pinterest’s “Promoted Pins” program became available to all marketers on January 1. According to Pew Research, 28 percent of online adults use Pinterest. 
  4. Twitter is picking up momentum as an advertising platform, thanks in great part to its SEO and Google indexing efforts. 
  5. Marketers don’t necessarily need to lure consumers back to their websites to make a sale anymore. Products are available for purchase directly from Pinterest pages, tweet links, and so on.

If you want to succeed in business this year, stay on top of these bold new digital trends for 2015. You'll find your customers at all their favorite hangouts - their laptops, their tablets, and their smartphones.

Chris is a freelance writer who also enjoy going fishing. He enjoys the sunshine and all kinds of outdoor activities. Email Chris at [email protected]
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