Beijing Intelligence Agent Blows Whistle on Hong Kong Chief Executive

Beijing Intelligence Agent Blows Whistle on Hong Kong Chief Executive
Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying delivers his annual policy address at the legislative council in Hong Kong on Jan. 14, 2015. (Philippe Lopez/AFP/Getty Images)

HONG KONG—Famous Chinese economist Yang Lujun recently wrote in an article that Chen Fuzhong, an 82-year-old senior Chinese Communist Party intelligence expert in Hong Kong, said he was currently exposing Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung-Chun-ying for offenses such as accepting a large sum of money from an Australian company.

Leung was accused last year of signing a secret agreement with the Australian company UGL, which entitled him to a payment of $50 million from UGL. Ever since this agreement was revealed over a year ago, there has been high demand for an investigation into the scandal.

The Hong Kong pro-Beijing camp has called for Leung to be ousted from his position, and the same message has leaked out from the internal information of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Yang mentioned in the article that Chen was an intelligence agent planted in Hong Kong by the CCP in the early years, so he knew the detailed background of all the politicians, whether good or bad. “In recent years he has spared no effort toward the crucial event of exposing Leung Chun-ying!” Yang added.

Another scandal is that Leung joined the British secret intelligence organization when he studied in the UK “to collect political and economic information on Beijing and Hong Kong for the British. Mr. Chen has valid evidence, and the witnesses are still available,” Yang stated.

Yang stated in the article that Chen had a close relationship with the CCP’s top leaders. “Mr. Chen said that expelling Leung Chun-ying would be his last task to fulfill for Beijing.”

Yang wrote that Deng Xiaoping initially designed the “one country, two systems” arrangement between Hong Kong and China to maintain Hong Kong’s capitalist system, and also implied that there was no need for a change after 50 years.

The real hope, Yang stated, was to change mainland China into a Hong Kong model within 50 years, and then combine the two systems into one.

“But now Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying is working against Deng’s design,” Yang said.

“Hong Kong has been returned for only 18 years, but he could not wait to engage the mainland system in Hong Kong and euphemistically called it ‘anti-Hong Kong-British-colonialism,’ hoping to terminate ‘one country, two systems’ overnight, and let Beijing directly appoint him as CCP secretary in the Municipal Committee of Hong Kong,” Yang said.

Yang added in the article that Hong Kong’s chaos was initially caused by Leung’s deliberate misrepresentation to Beijing, distorting the facts and misleading Beijing.

According to Yang, Leung is attempting to be re-elected, but “Beijing cannot allow him to stay for another term,” as another term of Leung’s would be a tragedy for Hong Kong.

“This man will lead Hong Kong astray and ruin Hong Kong!” Yang stated. “Leung has a dubious origin and poor character. He is greedy, selfish, gloomy, and vague, and his ability belongs to the low rank.”

When Chen was asked about the possibility of Leung’s re-election in 2017, he replied that the key was current CCP leader Xi Jinping. “I am sure that Leung may be instantly sacked by Xi,” he said.

Translated by Susan Wang. Written in English by Sally Appert.