Bears Caught Eating Stolen Cocoa Krispies (Video)

A California family made a startling discovery in their backyard Monday when they spotted a hungry mama bear and her cubs helping themselves to some trashed Cocoa Krispies on their patio.
Epoch Video

A hungry mama bear and her cubs have been making themselves at home in this Monrovia neighborhood, especially on trash day.

Resident Michael Kunch captured this video Monday morning as a mama bear and her cubs feasted on Cocoa Krispies they stole from their garage.

“A mama and her two cubs came out of the back end of the garage, from the other side of the van that I didn’t see. And I thought, ‘Oh, whatever you want, you can have. See you later.’”

His daughter thinks the bears are cute, but no, they can be dangerous.

“We keep our distance. They are the wildlife here, we moved into their area. We just have to be respectful of them, not disturb them, kind of just back away when we see them, and we film them at a distance.”

Kunch’s neighbor, Ashley Howie, says the bears have been hanging around for the past few months, making appearances every three to four days, always looking for food.

“You can see the struggle and the need for food because of the drought up here. It’s kind of eliminating all of the vegetation that we have up here. So they are more desperate for food and water nowadays.”

She said the bears aren’t bothered by the cameras at all, in fact, they kept eating and ignoring onlookers.

“You know, you stay of their way, they‘ll stay out of yours. You respect them, they’ll respect you. So it’s peaceful up here. You kind of learn how to deal with the bears.”