Banks and Satellite Radio Draw Ire of NY Consumers

The Better Business Bureau Serving Metropolitan New York (BBB) received 63,000 complaints in 2011, with the No. 1 category being financial services.
Banks and Satellite Radio Draw Ire of NY Consumers
An electronics store employee helps a customer shop for a satellite radio. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Tara MacIsaac
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1790956" title="XM and Sirius Compete For Satellite Radio Share" src="" alt="" width="590" height="388"/></a>

NEW YORK—The Better Business Bureau Serving Metropolitan New York (BBB) received 63,000 complaints in 2011, with the No. 1 category being financial services. Complaints in this category numbered 7,267, and covered a variety of banking issues, collection agencies, credit cards, insurance, and loans.