Back to School Lunch Box Ideas (Video)

Already stressed about the busy back to school schedule? Erin Chase the mom chef behind shares her best kitchen hacks to help you get through the hectic season with ease.
Epoch Video

Already stressed about the busy back to school schedule? Erin Chase the mom chef behind shares her best kitchen hacks to help you get through the hectic season with ease. 

1. Grocery Shopping- Favoda is new grocery savings mobile app, that allows you to view all the sales for the local grocery stores in your area. It also shows you the available coupon so that you combine the sales price with coupon price and make sure that you get the absolute lowest price possible for all the ingredients on your list. It is also a handy tool for meal planning and shopping trips. It helps you make sure that you are not over spending on groceries each week. You can download this app for free.

2. Next, if you are wondering what to pack for your kids - Here are a few ideas, you can feel good about giving your kids like  santa cruz organics, fruit spreads, peanut butter and apple sauce pouches. They are the perfect edition to any lunch box and  make a fantastic after school snack. Each one of these has no artificial ingredients or added sugar. Erin shares one of her favorite peanut butter and jelly making tricks. She puts peanut butter on each piece of the bread and then adds the jelly in the middle, this helps in avoiding the bread to  become soggy until the time of lunch. 

3. Add little lunch box notes, to their lunch boxes or back packs. These are available on, and are called Lunchbox Love for Kids. They have positive messages, jokes, and riddles. Each card comes with a fun fact and positive message. They have enough in a pack to last for an entire school year. 

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