Automatically Share Instagram Photos to Twitter

A long time ago, when you posted an Instagram picture to Twitter, it would be embedded. It was handy as you were able to see images that your friends shared right in your Twitter stream. Since Facebook purchased Instagram, that feature no longer exists. Fortunately, there is a workaround.
Automatically Share Instagram Photos to Twitter

A long time ago, when you posted an Instagram picture to Twitter, it would be embedded. It was handy as you were able to see images that your friends shared right in your Twitter stream. Since Facebook purchased Instagram, that feature no longer exists. Fortunately, there is a workaround.

It involves using IFTTT (If This Then That), a website that allows you to take one service and then plug it into another. The workaround will take any Instagram picture shared and then automatically tweet it as a Twitter picture.

Using IFTTT to auto share Instagram pictures to Twitter

Before the recipe can be created, you'll need to create an IFTTT account (if you don’t already have one). Once that’s done, click the “My Recipes” button on IFTTT’s homepage. From there click “Create a Recipe.” What follows is the recipe screen.

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Click “this” to start creating your recipe. You'll be asked to choose your trigger channel. Use the search box that appears to look for Instagram. Once you’ve found it, click on it to continue.

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Once you’ve chosen a trigger channel, you‘ll need to choose what this trigger channel does. You’ll be shown a list of things the Instagram channel can do. Select the “Any new photo of you” trigger.

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With a trigger channel selected, it’s time to select the appropriate output channel. Click the blue “That” button to continue. You'll be asked to choose an action channel from the list. Use the search bar that appears to filter through the list and find Twitter.

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After you have selected the action channel, you'll need to give it an action to perform within the recipe. Find and select the “Post a tweet with an image” action.

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(Courtesy of

Now that both the trigger and action have been set up, the recipe is just about completed. You'll be brought to a screen asking you to specify what Twitter will tweet (based on the actions you’ve selected), but just leave all that stuff alone. It works without the need to change it.

Make your way to the bottom and select the “Create action” button followed by the “Create recipe” button. That’s it! You’ve created your very own Instagram-to-Twitter image converter! Now every time you share an image on Instagram, you won’t even need to share it to Twitter. IFTTT will do it for you!


IFTTT is a powerful tool. It allows you to take a ton of different services on the web and put them to work. Heck, if you install the IFTTT app for Android or iOS, you can even have it interact with your mobile device. That’s why recipes like this are really great. They allow you to solve little problems.

IFTTT has only been around since 2011, but it’s been an invaluable resource for me. I use a ton of different web services, and thus I’ve created a lot of my own little recipes to make things that much easier. If you’re just now hearing about this website, you’re in for a real treat.

Republished with permission from MakeTechEasierRead the original.