Attorney Gao Tells of Support from a Ranking CCP Official

Attorney Gao Tells of Support from a Ranking CCP Official
Attorney Gao in his office on Feb 18 The Epoch Times

On February 21, Sound of Hope (SOH) interviewed China’s famous rights attorney, Gao Zhisheng, who said during the interview that a high ranking CCP official called him to express support.

Click here to listen to the audio clip (in Chinese)

Attorney Gao said, “I got a call today. The person on the other side masked his voice. He used that type of equipment to change his voice. So I have no idea who the person was. He said, ‘Gao Zhisheng, I have to mask my voice. If not, everyone knows who I am.’ I said, ‘It is a big shot again.’ He laughed and told me that they firmly support me. He said, ‘You kept condemning us.’ He put it this way. ‘However, we are your old friends. You have no idea who we are but we know who you are.’ It sounded like he is within the system. He said, ‘I pay special attention to you just because you kept condemning us.’ I said, ‘You are encouraging me to keep condemning you?’ He said, ‘It is simply wonderful.’

“He said, ‘Attorney Gao, we can’t tell you more. You don’t want to ask who I am. I am definitely watching you every day. The first thing in the morning is to see if you are still safe.’ I oftentimes feel that I am only a common citizen. But my efforts have touched so many people. So sometimes, I felt I should rest less and do my best to do those things for the Chinese people. That way I will feel I may deserve the love from them. I am actually just a common citizen, a very common person.”

The relay hunger strike in protest of violence and human rights violations initiated by Gao has been echoed by a worldwide wave of support. It has also shocked the CCP and its high-ranking officials.