Asymptomatic Patients Identified in Various Wuhan Communities

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After a low-level Wuhan official was blamed for failing to contain the CCP virus within his jurisdiction and removed from his post, Wuhan authorities issued an order to have all residents take a diagnostic test. In the past few days, several asymptomatic patients have been identified from various communities.

As a result, in one community, a popular grocery store was closed, and in another community, hundreds of neighbors were quarantined and all residents were forbidden to leave the compound.

In Weibin Fresh, a popular grocery store in Wuhan, an employee was found to be an asymptomatic carrier of the CCP virus. A group of guards in black uniforms blocked the store entrance, holding anti-riot steel forks and shields in their hands. Customers who were blocked outside felt very sad because it is the local seniors’ favorite store. - At Wuhan’s Sanmin Community, where several new cases were reported, many police arrived at the entrance to block residents leaving the compound. - Inside the community, residents were lined up to be tested.

The person who posted the video revealed that 13 residents tested positive for COVID-19, and more than 300 have been quarantined. - Overseas Chinese rights activists Yang Zhanqing shared a group chat message from Sanmin Community on May 11, which said: “There are more than 40 high-rise buildings and about 1,000 households in our community. Now, the entire community is under lockdown again, nearly 5,000 residents are all forbidden to go out. That means many contractors may lose their jobs.

“In addition, everyone’s health barcode has turned red, which means all of them are identified as high-risk individuals,” the message said, referring to the “Alipay health code” app that is being enforced on all Chinese citizens to monitor their health and travel history.