Artist Says Shen Yun Songs ‘Lyrical Tears’

Ms. Ms. Kristelle Urlich said. “Just like physical tears, but the tears became voice, lyrical tears, so that was beautiful.”
Artist Says Shen Yun Songs ‘Lyrical Tears’
Kristelle Ulrich and Mike Miller attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Milwaukee Theater. Valerie Avore/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1770200" title="20130219_Milwaukee_ValerieAvore_Kristelle+M.+Ulrich_Artist_Mike+Miller_EET_en" src="" alt="Kristelle Ulrich and Mike Miller attend Shen Yun" width="590" height="442"/></a>
Kristelle Ulrich and Mike Miller attend Shen Yun

MILWAUKEE— Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company moved an artist on Feb. 19 at the Milwaukee Theater. Ms. Kristelle Ulrich said, “I think the opera format really allowed those tears to show in a vocal sense,” Ms. Urlich said. “Just like physical tears, but the tears became voice, lyrical tears, so that was beautiful.”

“The resounding voices of bel canto soloists are an integral part of the Shen Yun experience. Each program is heightened by several moving selections from our singers. Their impassioned songs give voice to hopes that have shaped Chinese culture for centuries,” states the Shen Yun website.

Ms. Ulrich said she also enjoyed “listening to the Chinese language in operatic format, so it was very pleasant.”

Ms. Ulrich is the co-manager of the Underground Collaborative Creative Center in Milwaukee. She’s an artist at the Covart Gallery, and she received a BFA at from the Peck School of the Arts. Her roots are from the Oneida Nation. She attended the performance with Mike Miller.

Mr. Miller also responded to the music. He said, “The orchestra is really, really was great. We really enjoyed the two stringed [erhu].”

Ms. Ulrich said that was her favorite instrument.

Mr. Miller said he learned about the origins of acrobatics in classical Chinese dance from the Shen Yun performance: “I thought it was acrobatic ballet, acrobatic dancing, but I know now that really it comes from 5,000 years, from Chinese culture. So, I learned something, and I am enjoying it very much.”

Ms. Ulrich enjoyed the choreography. “It was delightful to watch all the dancing taking place tonight.”

As an artist, she reacted to some of the imagery in the performance, “I loved the lotus flowers, when they came out with the lotus flowers, and they were dancing, because that is all about the symbolism. This flower is like a balanced kind of thing.”

Reporting by Andrew Darin and Valerie Avore.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

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