Artificial Intelligence (AI), It’s Here: My Experience With exClone

Artificial Intelligence (AI), It’s Here: My Experience With exClone
Ann Smarty

Artificial intelligence (AI) is here. We’re surrounded by intelligent machines we’ve all somehow failed to notice lately, and the machines are getting smarter. exClone, a New York project to clone human experience and expertise, it may end up being the smartest so far. I talked with the very first exClone called Michael last week. The discussion reminded me of something science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke once said;

“Any Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

The exClone Project, which is headed by a familiar figure in machine learning science, Dr. Riza Berkan, is a cognitive science development apart in many ways. exClone leverages machine learning algorithms, fuzzy logic, semantics, and more significantly what Berkan terms “social learning” capability. Despite Dr. Berkan’s obvious qualifications and past expertise creating big time tech, I was skeptical as anyone when introduced to yet another “intelligent” machine.

Those of us involved in technological innovation, those who use it most, we’ve seen our share of magic. Ten years ago the algorithms search engines use to “understand” users, attempts at AI such as the now famous SIRI, smart cars and machine learning were buzz terms.

Today, Google has built “deep learning” AI by lacing 16,000 machines together, Big Data projects effort the compilation and computation of universes of bits of information, and so on. But so far, no innovator has leveled machine learning onto what is most human about us. Michael, and subsequent exClones, aims to change this. Here’s how our conversation began:


what can we talk about


I know people from limited subjects.. science, physics, medicine, chemistry, economics, astronomy, music, movies, politics, art, sports, literature, and technology.. please type in one of these subjects..




I know few people: Barack Obama, Henry Kissinger, Kofi Annan, Nelson Mandela, and Theodore Roosevelt. . That’s all I know… Which one you want to talk about?


who is Nelson Mandela


exclone 01 Artificial Intelligence (AI), It's Here: My Experience With exCloneNelson Rolihlahla Mandela is a South African anti-apartheid activist, revolutionary and politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, the first to be elected in a fully representative, multiracial election.

Now take into consideration we’re all a bit inundated and desensitized to tech, smoke, and mirrors these days. For my part, I usually try and “break” technologies claiming AI, which is true in Michael’s case later on. But as you can tell already, exClone’s version of SIRI, if you will, already shows remarkable potential in the depth of understanding. The response is obviously derived from Wikipedia, which Dr. Berkan suggests all exClone initial learning is based on. What makes Michael special though, is the ability to “learn” from us, apply that learning, and then to go out and gather more knowledge using our own experience, expertise, interests, and yes, personality. It is the latter which is most compelling, but Berkan assured me, this aspect is “turned off” in this early alpha test mode.

Back to mine and Michael’s conversation, the exClone knew about Mandela’s daughters, and event exhibited a sense of humor when I posed a question he did not know or understand. Then I asked to talk about celebrities:


let’s talk about movies


I know Al Pacino, Anjelica Huston, Ben Kingsley, Ben Stiller, Bill Murray, Charlize Theron, Christoph Waltz, Emma Watson, Geoffrey Rush, George Clooney, Jack Nicholson, Jennifer Aniston, John Travolta, Kevin Spacey, Matthew McConaughey, Meryl Streep, Natalie Portman, Sandra Bullock, Tom Hanks, and Robin Williams .. That’s all I know… Which one you want to talk about?


Sandra Bullock


exclone 02 Artificial Intelligence (AI), It's Here: My Experience With exCloneFrom a news article …. Sandra Bullock Tops Forbes’ Highest Earning Actress List!


which movie was she playing with Keanu Reeves


sorry, I dont know. Why don’t you help me with this, what would the answer be?

At this point I switched to “breakage” mode to really test how cognitively stable Michael is so far. To be honest, the fledgling exClone gets confused rather easily, a bit like a 5 year old. In fairness, this seems natural, Berkan never overstated the “clone’s” capability at this point. My own time constraints demanded I end our conversation rather abruptly, and I'd discovered all I needed in any event.

The obvious question at this point, Michael’s and exClone’s progress and future, I put to Dr. Berkan. On Michael at this “baby stage” the good doctor said:

“Right now Michael does not have all his faculties activated, nor has he enough social interaction to mature his knowledge. We are working diligently toward the fully social and interactive exClone.”

Finally, the logical question arises, “What sort of applications can exClones be used for?” Dr. Berkan revealed at least one coming application of exClone capability, a sort of engaging and inquisitive travel companion named Phil. Quoting from the overview Berkan sent us:

“Phil has been all around the world, and has developed an ability to match personality types to the best suitable travel locations. Phil does not find you cheap tickets or the best airlines to travel, instead Phil tells you where to go, which small town in Europe or Malaysia will suit your personality best. While chatting with Phil, you may also suggest travel spots from your own experience, and Phil will learn from you.”

The exClone Project has been called a “Skynet” phenomenon so far. The allusion to immortality too, it’s been stated where cloning human characteristics are concerned. But for exClone or any development to be successful, the machine has to possess the intelligence, period. Dr. Berkan admitted Michael’s intelligence level is not there yet, nor will it be until “social learning” is capable and activated.

However skeptical I was though, it’s clear to me we are there, at the advent of the impossible. If I think about my conversation, and remove my cynicism brought on by 1000 impersonators, then exClone surely possesses that bit of “magic” Arthur C. Clark mentioned. For now though, we'll just have to see.

Ann Smarty
Ann Smarty
Ann Smarty is the serial guest blogger, founder of My Blog Guest and co-founder of Viral Content Buzz . Ann is also a proud member of Internet Marketing Ninjas team writing weekly at IMN blog and promoting their brand.