Army Reserves Chief Warrant Officer: The Fight Is About the US Constitution

NTD Television

Many people from grassroots movements spoke at the rally after the Stop the Steal and Jericho March in Washington on Saturday. Army Reserves Chief Warrant Officer Thomas A. Speciale said he believes that the fight is about the U.S. Constitution.

Speciale reminded audience the governmental abuse that General Flynn experienced.

“So I am going to take back to history a little bit, and I want to put this in your heart,” Speciale said. “Imagine serving your country for 30 plus years, rising to the rank of general, being in charge of the largest intelligence organization, defending our country, and then becoming the national security adviser for the greatest president the United States has ever had, and then your own government conspires against you. ”

Speciale was referring to Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who was recently pardoned by President Donald Trump.

Speciale then added that the fight about the contested election is about the U.S. Constitution.

“So I want you put that in your heart, because that is what the fight is about. This fight is about the United State Constitution, these people love our country and our enemies do not, they are marching with black flags right down the street, and here we are, red, white, and blue.”

Speciale called on the audience to show their support for the president.

“So I am going to ask you to do one more thing today, we have marched against evil, to bring down the walls of sin and inequity that are hiding in these buildings, But there is one man right down the street, that we got to show our love for, so go from here today and join Vets for Trump, and we are going to go from here today when you leave, I want you to go to the White House, and I want you to tell Donald Trump, we love him.”

From NTD