Archie Bronson Outfit Matures on ‘Wild Crush’

Archie Bronson Outfit Matures on ‘Wild Crush’
Archie Bronson Outfit Releases Wild Crush. Photo Credit: Stevie Gee
Bianca Silva

2010’s Coconut, lineup changes and four years later, British rockers Archie Bronson Outfit seem like they are maturing on their fourth studio album, Wild Crush. Although they have not abandoned their blues and southern rock roots, they have incorporated a refreshing twist on their sound that can easily attract a wider range of fans. 

The album’s opener, “Two Doves on a Lake,” is an instant hit as it channels its inner Black Keys circa Attack and Release and delivers a wicked guitar solo that will stay on your mind for days to come. In a perfect world, “We are Floating” would proceed as the next single if the band ever decided to do so due to its harmonies and use of distortion. 

Archie Bronson Outfit truly begins to go outside their comfort zone on “Lori From the Outer Reaches” as the organ in the background dominates the direction of the song from uptempo to slightly mournful. They’re also not afraid to experiment with some alt-country and the saxophone on the final track, “Country Miles” as vocalist Sam Windett sings “I don’t want to see you looking back.” 

Wild Crush reveals a new layer Archie Bronson Outfit has been eager to display for so long and it seems like they’ve just begun to perform to their full potential. 


Bianca Silva has been into music from a young age. Driven by her passion for rock, she decided to turn her passion into a career. She has written for Boxx Music Magazine and had her own rocker-based blog called Indie Pit. Her love for music journalism doesn't stop her from tackling other areas such as sports, food and politics, to which she'll post here on occasion. She tweets as @binkstertweed.
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