Apps: Coolest and Weirdest

Apps: Coolest and Weirdest
Naveen Athrappully

The following apps are a collection of cool and interesting along with the downright odd. The Internet always has something else! 

Barcode Scanner: For the best deals

When going to the store next time, pick up the product and scan using the Barcode Scanner to find out if you’re getting the best deal available in the market. Save money through this Android-camera-turned-barcode-scanner app that helps find competitor’s prices through Google Product Search. 

Lifluf: Punish late friends

Friend ditched you again? Not anymore with this app. Lifluf lets you reward or punish friends who make you wait up. The next time you get together, add an agreement using Lifluf requiring “late-comers pay for desserts.” The app publicly shames them on social media or debits their amount from their Paypal account and credits it to yours. With Lifluf, you’ll actually wish your friends are late.

Mouth Off: Entertainment through animations

Ustwo, the London-based design studio, is behind this popular and silly app. Spark up that boring meeting by animating your lip movements with the words you’re saying. Hold the smartphone to your lips and watch as the app animates your words on the screen. Check out Ustwo’s cool campaign posted on Youtube. This app certainly gives you something to smile about.

DateCheck: Date safety

Check out your date before going out. Find out whether their claims of a trust fund or international MBA are valid and if they’re safe to hang out with. DateCheck alerts you to the person’s past wrongdoings along with his or her net worth, true interests, compatibility, and even living situation. You can find out if they’re married or have kids or even if they’re likely to take off with your handbag. Of course, this app from Intelius still won’t save you from having a deadly boring encounter with someone who complains about how his last girlfriend treated him.

Hassle Me: Productivity

Have lots on your mind? Get this app and never forget those to-dos and reminders again. There are no more excuses of not getting your stuff done or picking up something for tonight’s dinner. This app will literally hassle you until the job’s done.

Dog Whistler

This app helps teach the old dog some new tricks. There are whistles with varying frequencies to take control of the fella. The Dog Whistler is quite the popular app with over 10 million users.

Cry Translator

With Cry Translator, you can “reliably analyze and diagnose” what your baby’s cry means and then the app recommends a solution. In just 10 seconds, you leave the perplexed everyday parent far back with this unique app that claims 96 percent accuracy citing clinical trials. For $4.99, this app is a helpful tool in every parent’s phone.


Take a nap easily without getting caught by the help of this app. iNap@Work creates sounds like paper shuffling, keyboard clicks, and human sounds like sniffing and throat clearing indicating serious work. We leave it to you to check the efficiency of the app, although we will not be held responsible for any consequences suffered from the usage of this free app.

Melon Meter

Beneath the hard cover, lies the juicy bit which is rather hard to figure out. Here comes the Melon Meter to check if it is fresh or not. You need to place the smartphone next to the melon and thump on it until signaled to stop. If the phone’s still working, the app will calculate the decay rate based on the amount of time required for the vibrations to stop. Available on iOS for $1.99. 


Hard to control your teenage son or daughter who doesn’t listen to you? Now, you have the perfect counter-weapon. Using Annoy-A-Teen, you can emit high frequency pitches that will literally drive them crazy. Whereas your old ears won’t hear a squeak—except for the irritated kid begging for it to be stopped. 

Fake-An-Excuse: Hangup Now!

Too polite to hang up? Well, with this app, make the perfect excuse. Engaging over 45 realistic sound effects, you can now cut your call without making the other person feel bad. Examples of sounds include killer bee attacks and government wiretaps.


101 Pick Up Lines

Even though they sound cheesy, they tend to work most of the time. 101 Pick Up Lines lets you select your classic from “Are you from Tennessee? ‘Cause you’re the only TEN I see” to new favorites like “Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?” One of them has to work in this $0.99 iPhone app.

Weird Apps

Run Pee

Ever wished you didn’t down that galloon of Coke while waiting for the movie to start and now, during the major turning point in the story, you’re turning around in your seat. Run Pee is a lifesaver for those with a limited bladder capacity. The app instructs the right time when nothing major’s happening and you could make a dash for the toilet without missing the plot. It also gives a synopsis of the missing parts. It’s free and available on iOS, Android and Windows.

Hello Cow 

A completely useless app that, in its entirety, has a picture of cow which, when touched, goes “Moo”! That’s it, but user reviews have shown children getting addicted to the app. Considering all useful apps out there selling for free, Hello Cow costs $1. Absurd? Yes. Making money for developers? Yes.

Honey It’s Me!

From the land that has brought us cheap but efficient vehicles and Samsung comes a smartphone app for the lonely soul. Have no one to call you up and enquire about how you’re doing? Well, worry no longer as this app has your digital girlfriend video call you up to four times a day with messages like, “Good night, sweet dreams” and “Are you still sleeping? Time for breakfast!” The app has good-looking models with pre-recorded messages that stir the loneliness out of your life. But the widely popular app with at least 80,000 downloads per day during the initial free launch period is still available only in Korean. 

Hold On

Test your perseverance by engaging with this simple app. Hold On has a button that users hold on for as long as they possibly can while a timer records your progress. The developers claim the app increases concentration helping you perform better. Really, if only upgrading performance were that easy. 

Ghost Radar Classic 

Odd noises in the night? Feel like you’re being watched? Let’s go old-school and ghostbust the house through this app. Ghost Radar Classic detects paranormal activity through readings from your smartphone’s sensors. The app scans all around and picks up abnormal energy patterns and also voices from the beyond. The free app has a sizeable fan following with many stories to back up the various inferences. Also available on Android

Watching Cute Girl 

A cute Japanese girl will be watching you for as long as you require. Download this app if you feel like nobody’s noticing you in real life. The girl will keep watching you even if you’re working or sleeping. Creepy and costs $3.99. 

Pimple Popper

Pop the pimple without leaving a scar. This allegedly addictive game has you popping through eight faces tackling all sorts of blackheads, whiteheads and zits. Develop your own techniques for getting rid of the zit. Know how to have a clean face; squeeze the tip and you’ll have a bleeder. Wish I’d practiced on this earlier.



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